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NOHVCC Needs Pictures of Responsible OHV Recreation
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
As NOHVCC continues to update our publications, website, and other resources we have found that we are lacking high-definition pictures of people enjoying themselves while participating in OHV recreation. We are asking our partner network to help us by providing pictures that we can use in these resources. NOHVCC will collect these photos in a photo sharing app or shared folder that will be featured on our website so that others can utilize them for local publications and presentations. 
Posted: 02/27/25 by NOHVCC Staff
BRP and Tread Lightly! Launch The Responsible Rider Masterclass
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Valcourt, Quebec and North Salt-Lake, Utah, February 14, 2025 – BRP Inc. (TSX:DOO; NASDAQ:DOOO) and Tread Lightly!, a U.S.-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through stewardship and educational programs, are proud to announce the launch of the Responsible Rider Masterclass. The Responsible Rider Masterclass is a free series of online trainings that aims to empower riders of the global powersports community, to ride safely and responsibly, to look out for each other and to safeguard trails and playgrounds.  
Posted: 02/24/25 by Tread Lightly!
Focus on the Positives A Path to Moving Forward with Trail Work in 2025
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
2025 has certainly seen a flurry of activity with the transition to new leadership in the White House and major changes in the structure of governmental agencies. Many of our partners have expressed concerns about being able to get trail work done in 2025 with hiring freezes, spending freezes, and changes in how business is done. It is easy at times like this to throw your hands in the air in frustration, and just do something besides volunteering your time to do trail work, but our sport is heavily reliant on the great work you do. After a discussion with some other motorized trail advocacy and education organizations, we decided to share some information about how certain groups have navigated these times of change and how they planned to keep moving forward. Hopefully this provides direction and inspiration for other groups to continue providing high quality recreation experiences. 
Posted: 02/19/25 by Marc Hildesheim, NOHVCC Executive Director and Don Amador, CA State Partner
South Carolina OHV Club Makes Massive Effort to Remediate Hurricane Damage to Trails
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Posted: 02/13/25 by Marc Hildesheim, NOHVCC Executive Director
Newly Formed Ohio Off-Highway Motorcycle Association Seeks to Create More Opportunities for Riders
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Off-highway motorcycle (OHM) enthusiasts in Ohio recently launched a new state-wide off-highway motorcycle association.  NOHVCC State Partner Matt Bucher, who spearheaded the effort, said that off-road motorcycle riders in Ohio needed an organization dedicated to advancing their recreational interests.  Matt said the new organization, the Ohio Off-Highway Motorcycle Association, will not only seek to create more OHM trail riding opportunities but will also work to educate riders to promote lawful, safe, and responsible OHM riding.  He noted that the association will be working with existing clubs, and developing new clubs where needed, to sponsor and develop new public riding opportunities in their areas.
Posted: 01/28/25
Save The Date!!! 2025 NOHVCC Conference
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
The NOHVCC Annual Conference is slated for October 9-11, 2025, in Bend, Oregon. The conference will occur at the Riverhouse Lodge. The NOHVCC is working closely with the Oregon State Parks department preparing for a great slate of events at the mobile workshop and on location at the Riverhouse Lodge. NOHVCC will be working on a schedule at a glance and additional logistical information that will be announced very soon. The NOHVCC will be using Whova app again this year for registration and sharing of information. Please continue to monitor our website and emails for more information. We will see everyone in Oregon in October!
Posted: 01/15/25 by NOHVCC Staff
Chinook Associates to Offer Series of Online Trail Crew Leader Workshops
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Chinook Associates, owned and operated by Kim Frederick of Colorado, is offering a series of online trainings throughout January and February to help develop trail crew leaders for volunteers and trail crew professionals. These courses focus on the “soft skills” required to effectively lead a team to accomplish a trail task. The series of training courses includes five one-hour courses and courses are limited to 15 students. The workshops are led by an experienced trail professional, and students should expect an interactive discussion.
Posted: 01/08/25
2024 NOHVCC Year in Review
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
2024 The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council Year in Review 
Posted: 01/02/25 by NOHVCC Staff
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
NOHVCC is wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for all you have done to provide a positive future for OHV recreation in 2024. For those of you who find yourself on the “Nice List” and unwrap a new OHV, make sure to practice safe and responsible riding practices, wear appropriate safety gear, and have fun.
Posted: 12/23/24 by Laura Feist, Executive Assistant
Trails Capacity Grant Call for Proposals Now Open!
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Trails Capacity Grant Call for Proposals Now Open!
Posted: 12/19/24 by Laura Feist, Executive Assistant
National Day of Giving Is Tomorrow, December 3, 2024
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
No description
Posted: 12/02/24 by Laura Feist, Executive Assistant
Happy Thanksgiving from NOHVCC!
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Happy Thanksgiving from NOHVCC! This year we are thankful for all our great partners who do so much to provide a positive future for off-highway vehicle recreation. We hope you enjoy the long weekend with family and friends. 
Posted: 11/26/24
NOHVCC provides fun Adventure Trail activity booklets for kids – FREE for the asking!
Education, NOHVCC Initiatives
The colorful Adventure Trail activity booklets are wonderful fun for kids ages 5 through 12, telling the incredible story of Penny and her friend Rascal, the ATV riding raccoon! The booklet includes the basic guidelines for safety, trail etiquette, outdoor ethics and more. Delivered in colorful poster like pages, mazes and word scrambles guaranteed to help get the message of safe and responsible OHV recreation to our young riders.
Posted: 11/21/24 by Carol Smith, NOHVCC Board Of Directors, Youth and Education IAR
Legacy Trails Program Grant Application Portal Now Open
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
American Trails is pleased to partner with the U.S. Forest Service in continuing the Legacy Trails Grant Program. This program is funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and supports partner trail projects that further the Legacy Roads and Trails Criteria on National Forest System trails throughout the nine Forest Service Regions. The goal of the program is to support projects that restore, protect, and maintain watersheds on our national forests and grasslands. American Trails is administering this grant program, and is soliciting applications for funding, with awards up to $100K per project. The application portal is now open!
Posted: 11/13/24
2024 NOHVCC Annual Conference A Huge Success Thanks To Support Of Polaris Industries And Many Others
The 2024 NOHVCC Annual Conference was a rousing success thanks largely in part to Polaris Industries and our other fantastic sponsors. This year’s conference was a unique experience as attendees were granted access to in and around Minneapolis, MN. While the conference was staged from the host hotel in Minneapolis, participants took shuttle buses to Polaris facilities on October 17-19, 2024. 
Posted: 10/28/24 by Marc Hildesheim
Trail Trust Grant Funding Enables NOHVCC to Host Another Successful Great Trails Workshop
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Thanks to generous funding from the Fox Factory Trail Trust Program NOHVCC was able to hold another successful Great Trails Workshop in the Colville National Forest on September 14-15, 2024. The workshop was focused on the Batey Bould ORV area near Cusick, WA. Batey Bould is home to approximately 35 miles of single-track trails open to multiple use including off-road motorcycles. The trail system features a connector trail to the Little Pend Orielle (LPO) Trail System for those wanting to make larger loops.  
Posted: 09/26/24 by Laura Feist
The Annual COHVCO Workshop and Training was held in September in Glenwood Springs, CO
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
The Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) partnered with the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) to hold its annual OHV workshop and training Sept 6-8th in Glenwood Springs CO which was attended by 86 people. This event has been held annually for over 20 years to bring members of the OHV community together, including enthusiasts, clubs, Forest Service, BLM, CPW and local government. This event is only possible at this level due to the decades of grant support the effort has received from the CPW OHV program.
Posted: 09/19/24 by Laura Feist
2024 Annual Conference Important Information and Final Days of Registration Fast Approaching – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
The NOHVCC 2024 Annual Conference is fast approaching, and final details are being worked out. If you have not registered, you still have time to do so. Please see the list below about important information:
Posted: 09/17/24 by Laura Feist
Lefthand Canyon Will Be Focus Of Management Study
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council has partnered with the US Forest Service Boulder Ranger District to create a working group to discuss how to address concerns surrounding the Lefthand Canyon OHV Area. To facilitate the process NOHVCC has engaged the Keystone Policy Center to lead the group.
Posted: 09/12/24 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Annual Conference to Offer Learning Credits – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The 2024 NOHVCC Annual Conference will feature a new opportunity for participants. In partnership with American Trails, the conference will offer learning credits to participants who wish to take advantage of this opportunity. Learning credits will be included in the registration fee. The length of the session will determine the number of hours/credits given.
Posted: 08/08/24 by Laura Feist
Mobile App Now Available for the 2024 NOHVCC Annual Conference – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Ready to attend the NOHVCC Annual Conference 2024? We will use an online platform called Whova for our event. You can Download the Whova app to access the event:
Posted: 07/23/24 by Laura Feist
Discount Pricing Available for Annual Conference Ending August 1st, 2024 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Registration for the 2024 NOHVCC Annual Conference is NOW open. Please read all information on this page before registering at the websites below.
Posted: 07/17/24 by Laura Feist
Trail Trust Sponsors NOHVCC Great Trails Workshop in Massachusetts – NOHVCC
The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council partnered with the Massachusetts Off-Highway Vehicle Coordinator, Scott Morrill, to bring the Great Trails Workshop series to the State of Massachusetts. This workshop was made possible by funding from the Trail Trust program administered by Fox Factory. NOHVCC is in the final year of an agreement with Trail Trust that sponsors two Great Trails Workshops across the country in locations that may not have access to funding for these types of training. The grant also provides support for the NOHVCC Annual Conference.
Posted: 07/10/24 by Laura Feist
Happy Independence Day From the NOHVCC Staff and Board of Directors – NOHVCC
Posted: 07/03/24 by Laura Feist
Registration Is NOW Open for the 2024 NOHVCC Annual Conference – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Registration for the 2024 NOHVCC Annual Conference has opened on July 1st, 2024. Please read all information on this page before registering at the websites below.
Posted: 07/01/24 by Laura Feist
Donner Pass Trail Sees Post Wildfire Recovery Success – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC once again held a Great Trails Workshop in the state of Colorado, and it was a packed house. We were extremely lucky to have such a great attendance because participants were able to see several trails that are being rehabbed after being heavily damaged by wildfire and post wildfire runoff. The workshop was staged out of the historic Buckhorn Ranger Station, on the Canyon Lakes Ranger District of the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forest. Participants were able to see live trail work being completed by the Rocky Mountain Conservancy and the Overland Mountain Bike Association. This provided an excellent opportunity to compare the hand-built trail being provided by the youth corps with the machine-built trail provided by the OMBA.
Posted: 06/27/24 by Laura Feist
Call for Presentations: NOHVCC Conference 2024 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The NOHVCC Conference in Minneapolis on October 17-19, 2024 is going to be unlike any other NOHVCC conference is going to be unlike any other you have attended before. Not only have we been provided special access to Polaris facilities thanks to our outstanding partners at that organization, but we will also be continuing to improve our conference format to maximize participant interaction and engagement.
Posted: 06/25/24 by Laura Feist
2024 NOHVCC Annual Conference Sponsorship Information – NOHVCC
The 2024 NOHVCC annual conference will be here before you know it. Don’t miss out on your chance to sponsor this exciting event. Below you will find the informational packet on how to become a sponsor for this year’s conference in Minneapolis, MN. Please continue to watch your email and for more information about the conference in the next several weeks.
Posted: 06/20/24 by Laura Feist
2024 National Forest System Trail Stewardship Grant Recipients Announced – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The National Forest System Trail Stewardship Partners (Trail Partners) Funding Program recently announced the recipients of the 2024 grants. In total, the program awarded $215,000 to 16 trail maintenance and improvement projects across the U.S.
Posted: 06/18/24 by Laura Feist
National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council Is Hiring – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council
Posted: 05/28/24 by Laura Feist
Oregon Great Trails Workshop a Success – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
While the rain hammered the Shotgun OHV Area leading up to the NOHVCC Great Trails Workshop on May 8-9, the weather was clear, sunny, and warm for the event itself. The workshop featured approximately 20 participants from Oregon State Parks, the Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, The OR Department of Forestry, Hood River County, Ptarmigan Trails, and the Emerald Trail Riders. The heavy rain leading up to the workshop made the ground a little slippery, but it also made it much easier for participants to identify areas where drainage issues existed on the trails.
Posted: 05/22/24 by Laura Feist
Trail Trust Broadens Reach of NOHVCC Great Trails Workshops – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
“Fox Factory created Trail Trust to provide grants to organizations helping to preserve the places we love to play. The goal is to bring together diverse communities to build, maintain, and expand access to trails. In short, we want to make sure that the thrill of the ride can live on forever.” This quote from the Trail Trust website ( does a fantastic job of painting a picture of what this program is all about; and Fox has been hugely successful funding trail projects across the world on multiple continents.
Posted: 05/08/24 by Laura Feist
Trail Stewardship Partners Application Deadline Extended – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Posted: 04/16/24 by Laura Feist
ONE DAY LEFT TO Purchase Tickets to Win a 2023 Polaris RZR 900 Trail Sport!!! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
One day left time to purchase your sweepstakes tickets to win a brand new 2023 Polaris Razor 900 Trail Sport. Visit ​our TapKat website here: sweepstakes. Deadline to purchase tickets is April 16, 2024 and drawing April 24, 2024 (need not be present to win).
Posted: 04/15/24 by Laura Feist
Time Is Running Out to Purchase Tickets to Win a 2023 Polaris RZR 900 Trail Sport!!! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
You still have time to purchase your sweepstakes tickets to win a brand new 2023 Polaris Razor 900 Trail Sport. Visit ​our TapKat website here: sweepstakes. Deadline to purchase tickets is April 16, 2024 and drawing April 24, 2024 (need not be present to win).
Posted: 04/09/24 by Laura Feist
Great Trails in the Show Me State – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
On March 11-15 NOHVCC visited the State of Missouri to conduct two Great Trails Workshops and trail assessments on the two state parks in the state that allow OHV recreation. St. Joe State Park is in the eastern part of Missouri to the south of St. Louis. This 2000-acre park features 54 miles of trail and large open areas. Finger Lakes is in the center of the state to the north of Columbia. Finger Lakes is 1128 acres with over 900 acres open to OHV recreation. Finger Lakes features a motocross track with grandstands. Both parks are the sites of former mining operations.
Posted: 04/03/24 by Laura Feist
Yamaha OAI Contributed $1 Million in 2023 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Posted: 03/22/24 by Laura Feist
CCC of Michigan Chapter the Toledo Trail Riders Announces Brand New Kids Loop – NOHVCC
Posted: 03/19/24 by Laura Feist
Easements Can Get You Where You Want to Go – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Sometimes connecting trail segments can be a challenge. Highways and sections of private land can be barriers to the through routes that we desire. Landowners are often unwilling to sell part of their land to accommodate a trail, but they may be willing to allow riders to cross their land under the terms of an easement.
Posted: 03/06/24 by Laura Feist
2024 Legacy Trail Program Awardees Announced – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
American Trails and their partners are pleased to announce the 2024 awardees for the Legacy Trails Grant. This program is funded up to $1.5M per year for 5 years through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and supports partner trail projects that further the Legacy Roads and Trails criteria on National Forest System trails throughout the nine Forest Service Regions. The goal of the program is to support projects that restore, protect, and maintain watersheds on our national forests and grasslands. NOHVCC is honored to serve as a member of the team that reviews these grant applications each year.
Posted: 02/22/24 by Laura Feist
Get the Word Out With Short Videos – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
It seems like we are constantly trying to share a message or some information with the people we serve in the OHV community. Routine information, safety messages, “how-to”, and even some pitches about upcoming activities or events are part of the mix.
Posted: 02/20/24 by Laura Feist
Outdoor Recreation Roundtable Releases 2nd Edition of Their Rural Economic Development Toolkit – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Posted: 02/15/24 by Laura Feist
Polaris TRAILS GRANTS Program Spring Application Deadline Is Friday, March 1 – NOHVCC
Through the TRAILS GRANTS Program, Polaris makes funds available to off-road, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobile organizations across the United States and Canada to help support the future of riding. The TRAILS GRANTS Program focuses on promoting safe and responsible riding, supporting trail preservation and helping protect the environment and natural resources that are a part of the off-road and snow trail systems.
Posted: 02/13/24 by Laura Feist
Is Your Organization Keeping Pace With an Ever-Changing Environment? – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
It is an exciting time for NOHVCC. As excellent organizations do, we undertook a deliberate look at our organization to ensure we are continuing to evolve as the world we operate in changes. Things have been going well, but like any quality organization we strive to continue to adjust and improve to ensure that we are as effective as we can be.
Posted: 02/01/24 by Laura Feist
Safety and Training for 2024 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
We’d be willing to bet more than a few of us may have received new motorized toys and/or accessories for Christmas. Most of us, new or not, are just yearning to get back out there because it’s winter and we just can’t yet. Either way, we all need to be reminded of just a few topics to keep us safe in the New Year.
Posted: 01/22/24 by Laura Feist
Time to Form a State or Regional Association – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Does your state or region have an association that represents your OHV interests state-wide? If you do, is it still effective or does it need to be revitalized?
Posted: 01/16/24 by Laura Feist
Unveiling the Second Edition of the ORR Rural Economic Development Toolkit – NOHVCC
Originally Published by Outdoor Recreation Roundtable, December 19, 2023
Posted: 01/05/24 by Laura Feist
Understanding Brings Acceptance – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Sometimes motorized recreation is not well received by officials and other groups. In many cases it is because some people haven’t had much exposure to it. A lack of knowledge or familiarity with motorized recreation, or a particular type of it, can leave some people imagining the worst which often leads to opposition.
Posted: 12/28/23 by Laura Feist
Tracking and Subscription Services of Interest to Advocates – NOHVCC
To further a positive future for off-highway vehicle recreation, advocates must keep a careful watch for developments that might detract from our opportunities. Several organizations carefully monitor developments at the national level. It is equally important to monitor developments at the state and local level. As advocates, we need to know what is in the works so we can respond to it to protect and further our interests.
Posted: 12/19/23 by Laura Feist
New NOHVCC Conference Format Highlights Issues and Opportunities for OHV Recreation – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
At the 2023 NOHVCC Annual Conference in Midway, UT, the NOHVCC Staff and Board of Directors were determined to make their programming more interactive. The NOHVCC annual conference attracts not only some of the premier subject matter experts in the OHV industry, but also the NOHVCC State Partners who have years of invaluable experience and knowledge. It only made sense to try and capture this expertise, experience, and knowledge to identify issues, opportunities, and needed resources, as well as providing direction for NOHVCC operations in the future.
Posted: 12/12/23 by Laura Feist
Trails Capacity Grant Application Now Open! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
American Trails is pleased to continue the Trails Capacity Grant Program. This program is targeted for projects on all federal public lands, as well as state, local, and private lands accessible to the public. Project applicants may include nonprofit organizations, businesses, or agencies at the state or local level. American Trails is administering this grant program, and is soliciting applications for funding, with awards between $5K and $10K per project. Deadline is January 15, 2024 by 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
Posted: 12/07/23 by Laura Feist
Making Our OHV Clubs and Associations More Efficient – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Clubs and associations are key to building and sustaining a positive future for OHV recreation. Thankfully there are many active and effective organizations that are working hard to support existing programs, develop new opportunities, and address legislative and other regulatory issues. Some organizations are very effective and well developed. Some others, less so.
Posted: 11/30/23 by Laura Feist
National Day of Giving Is November 28th – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Posted: 11/28/23 by Laura Feist
Happy Thanksgiving From NOHVCC! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
We hope that our many friends and partners are someplace comfortable with family and friends and are preparing for a fantastic meal this Thanksgiving. Hopefully, you can skip the long black Friday lines and go for a nice OHV ride this weekend. As always, we remind you to continue to be the great ambassadors of the sport that we know you are and model safe and responsible behavior and wear all the appropriate safety gear when riding.
Posted: 11/22/23 by Laura Feist
Your Phone as a Recreational Planning Tool – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
The OHV community is very familiar with the capabilities of their phone as a navigational tool when they are riding. It is difficult to fathom a ride where you did not use an electronic mapping application on your phone, like On-x or Guya or a geo-referenced PDF. These applications are becoming so common place that most manufacturers are offering these types of resources hard programmed into their new models. Using your phone as an electronic map holder is only scratching the tip of the iceberg on what it is capable of assisting with in your recreational experience.
Posted: 11/16/23 by Laura Feist
Trail Trust Grant Brings NOHVCC Great Trails Workshop to Washington State – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Thanks to a grant from Trail Trust, a grant program created by Fox Factory, NOHVCC has been able to bring the Great Trails Workshops to several locations where funding would not otherwise be available. On October 4-5, NOHVCC was able to deliver a workshop at the Walker Valley OHV area in Washington State because of this very funding. Representatives from the Washington Department of Natural Resources, the Skagit Motorcycle Club, The Northwest Quad Association, the Northwest Motorcycle Association, The Timber Tamers 4×4 club, and the Washington Conservation Corps were in attendance. Even if it was a little wet and windy, the group of 15 participants stayed engaged and asked outstanding questions.
Posted: 11/14/23 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC State Partners Elect New 2023-2024 Board of Directors at Annual Conference – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
At the 2023 Annual Conference elections were held to fill the many positions were available due to rotation of officers and some overlap of expiring terms caused by the pandemic. The NOHVCC Board voted to alter the Board terms to ensure that no more than half of the board positions would be up for election at a time. This was to compensate for the years when elections were not held due to the pandemic. This caused many positions to be open for election in 2023. Positions that were available were: NOHVCC Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Network Development, Clubs and Associations, Youth and Development, Public Lands, Private Lands, and 1 At-Large Member position.
Posted: 11/09/23 by Laura Feist
The Coalition for Recreational Trails Is Accepting Nominations for Its 2023 Achievement Awards – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The Coalition for Recreational Trails is excited to be accepting nominations for its 2023 achievement awards which will recognize outstanding trail projects funded by the Recreational Trails Program (RTP). CRT will host an awards ceremony honoring the winners on January 24, 2024. Special guests, including Members of Congress will be invited to participate.
Posted: 11/07/23 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Announces 2023 Award Winners – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Each year at NOHVCC’s annual conference NOHVCC conference recognizes the special people and organizations that are making a positive impact on the world of OHV recreation. Leading up to the conference NOHVCC solicits nominations from NOHVCC State Partners and the many land managers and OHV stakeholders that we work with on a regular basis. We are very pleased to recognize the 2023 award winners for their outstanding contributions to OHV recreation.
Posted: 11/02/23 by Laura Feist
Did You Miss the 2023 Annual Conference? Not to Worry Presentations and Information Available Now!!! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Thank you to everyone who attended the NOHVCC/INOHVAA 2023 Annual Conference. It was as huge success with over 120 people and a lot of positive and constructive feedback has already been provided for 2024. For those of you who were not able to join us in person, don’t worry, you can now access the presentations and resources from the conference here. This includes the notes from the discussion forum break out sessions.
Posted: 10/31/23 by Laura Feist
What Is SCORP and Why Is It Important to Me as an Advocate? – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
What is SCORP?
Posted: 10/25/23 by Laura Feist
Thank You for Attending the 2023 INOHVAA and NOHVCC Annual Conference – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council wishes to thank all our attendees, sponsors, and vendors for an outstanding 2023 Annual Conference. Your contributions and engagement are what make our annual conference a huge success. We hope that it was a valuable and enjoyable experience for you and that the lessons and concepts will benefit off-highway vehicle recreation in your local communities.
Posted: 10/17/23 by Laura Feist
American Trails Is Pleased to Partner With the U.S. Forest Service in Continuing the Legacy Trails Grant Program – NOHVCC
Posted: 09/29/23 by Laura Feist
Annual Conference Information NOW Available on Mobile App – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC staff is proud to announce that the 2023 INOHVAA/NOHVCC Annual Conference is now available on the Eventee mobile app. NOHVCC has partnered with Eventee to create and design this app and provide a one stop shop for all conference needs. Attendees will be able to access the agenda, sponsor information, speaker information and exhibitor information in ONE location.
Posted: 09/26/23 by Laura Feist
Raffle Items Need for the Annual Conference – NOHVCC
The 2023 NOHVCC Conference in Midway Utah on October 12-14 is almost here. As part of the conference each year we hold a small raffle to raise money for NOHVCC and offset some of the costs associated with the conference. We are requesting that our partners and supporters bring or send donation items to help with the raffle. In the past our supporters have provided club shirts, club hats, unused safety gear, powersports memorabilia, and just useful items that people who recreate outdoors on OHVs would appreciate. We don’t expect anyone to go out and spend money on this, but if you have club gear, own or work for a business that is willing to donate, or work closely with a business that is willing to donate we would greatly appreciate your donations. Please give these items to Laura or myself when you check in to the conference along with a tag or card identifying who has donated the item. If you plan on sending an item(s) and will not be attending the conference in person please arrange shipping with us. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions you may have. We greatly appreciate your support.
Posted: 09/21/23 by Laura Feist
Making the Most Out of the Nohvcc Conference – Nohvcc
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Conferences offer an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and initiatives that further the interests of those our organization supports. Making the most of a conference opportunity involves preparation, participation, and follow-up. Sharing knowledge and information expands the value of our conference many times over.
Posted: 09/19/23 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Board Elections to Be Held at Annual Conference in Midway Utah – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
One very important business item that is handled each year at the NOHVCC Annual Conference is the election of the members and officers of the NOHVCC Board of Directors. The 2023 NOHVCC Annual Conference in Midway Utah will feature elections for many of these board positions. This year the President, Treasurer, and Secretary will be up for election. As for the Issue Area Representatives (IAR) on the board Public Lands, Private Lands, Youth and Education, and Clubs and Associations will be up for election. We will also have one Member At Large Position up for election as well. Many of our dedicated board members are likely to run for re-election, however there are also opportunities for NOHVCC State Partners to step up to a leadership role in the organization. Member at Large Positions and IARs may be held by held by any NOHVCC State Partner, but the Executive Positions must be held by an individual who has served at least one year on the board.
Posted: 09/14/23 by Laura Feist
BLM Releases Blueprint for 21st Century Outdoor Recreation – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The Bureau of Land Management has released their new plan for managing recreation on public lands. This plan is intended to guide investments, partnerships, outreach, and program development to respond to current demand and chart a course to meet future needs. You can review the document here.
Posted: 09/13/23 by Laura Feist
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Room block expanded for annual conference: The Zermatt Resort has let us know that you have filled the initial room block for the NOHVCC/INOHVAA Annual Conference. We are so pleased to have such excitement built up around the conference, but obviously this presented us with a good problem to have; we needed more lodging. Working with Zermatt we have expanded the room block by an additional 30 rooms, but that is as far as we can go. So if you have not registered for the conference and secured a room at the hotel we recommend you do so as soon as possible. You can register for the annual conference here.
Posted: 08/31/23 by Laura Feist
CRT Announces 2023 RTP Trails Achievement Awards! – Nohvcc
The Coalition for Recreational Trails is excited to be accepting nominations for its 2023 achievement awards which will recognize outstanding trail projects funded by the Recreational Trails Program (RTP). CRT will host an awards ceremony honoring the winners on January 24, 2024. Deadline for nominations is November 17, 2023.
Posted: 08/08/23 by Laura Feist
The Decline of the Motorcycle Club? – NOHVCC
Recently NOHVCC Board Member Bryan Much shared an article from about the struggles of the traditional motorcycle club to thrive in today’s society. While this article directly speaks to motorcycle clubs, we at NOHVCC believe that the ideas and topics found within are relevant to many of the OHV clubs you all belong to. We encourage our NOHVCC partners to read this article and share the thoughts and ideas found within with your club to see how it may benefit your club moving forward. We thank author David Petersen for permission to use this article. Please note that sharing this article does not represent NOHVCC endorsing the author’s stance on this topic, or the products found at, but rather we share this in the hope that it will create constructive discussion at upcoming club meetings.
Posted: 07/28/23 by Laura Feist
How to Identify Which ATVs Can Carry a Passenger, and Which Are Fit for Only One Rider – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) recreation is a family oriented sport where machines that allow family members to ride together are often desirable. When the machine is designed and manufactured to hold multiple passengers you can have a great ride with your family and friends and create memorable experiences. When you try and carry passengers on a machine that is not designed for that kind of use; you are putting your passengers and yourself in great danger.
Posted: 07/12/23 by Laura Feist
Overland Media Companies Create Unique Network – Nohvcc
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Below is a Press Release from our friends at Overland Media Companies.
Posted: 07/10/23 by Laura Feist
Join American Trails for Their Upcoming Webinars – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Our partners at American Trails have a fantastic line up of presentations coming up in July and NOHVCC recommends that our partners and Land Managers visit their website and sign up today.
Posted: 07/05/23 by Laura Feist
Happy Independence Day! Please Be Safe and Responsible! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
As we ready for the 4th of July, NOHVCC would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Holiday. Hopefully some of you will use the weekend to hit the trails and visit with family and friends. NOHVCC offices will be closed July 3-4th and will return on July 5th.
Posted: 06/30/23 by Laura Feist
2023 NOHVCC Scholarship Announcement and Application Deadline August 1st, 2023 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council will award scholarships for a limited number of qualified individuals to attend the NOHVCC and/or International Off-Highway Vehicle Administrators Association Annual Conferences in Midway, Utah, October 12-14. We recognize that attending the Conferences is an expensive proposition, so we want to make sure we have the best and brightest from the OHV community participate. These scholarships will cover the cost of travel, lodging, registration and most meals of awardees.
Posted: 06/22/23 by Laura Feist
Fundraising and Marketing Assistance Needed! – NOHVCC
Attention NOHVCC Partners and Associates: One of our NOHVCC Partners is in need of your assistance. The State OHV Association, which this State Partner helped form, has grown past the point where volunteers can handle the workload associated with the organization. To help get them over the finish line to where they can hire staff members this association needs assistance with fundraising and marketing their organization to help raise necessary capital.
Posted: 06/13/23 by Laura Feist
2023 NOHVCC Award Nomination Requests – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC partners and supporters: Now is your chance to recognize those that have contributed to the OHV community in the spirit of creating a positive future for off-highway vehicle recreation. If you have an individual or an organization that deserves to be recognized for their contributions to OHV recreation, please send your nominations to [email protected]. Likewise, if you know of any success stories such as newly opened riding areas, successful mitigation of trail issues, positive outcomes from OHV management, etc., please let us know as well. It is important that we take time to acknowledge those who have put in the time and effort to support OHV recreation and the NOHVCC awards banquet is the perfect place to shine a light on outstanding effort!
Posted: 06/08/23 by Laura Feist
Check Out the New NOHVCC Job Board! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
To help ensure that the best and brightest are finding their way to quality OHV jobs, NOHVCC has added a Job Board to our website. OHV organizations, land managers and government agencies will now have the ability to post jobs on our website. If you need help finding a quality employee with a passion for OHV recreation, or if you are an OHV enthusiast looking to break into the profession, please take advantage of this resource.
Posted: 06/02/23 by Laura Feist
Have a Happy and Safe Memorial Day – And Check Out Some of Our Safe and Responsible Use Resources – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Memorial Day is about remembering our nation’s heroes who fought and died so that we might have freedom. Please take the time to remember them and honor their legacies this weekend. Memorial Day has also become the unofficial start to Summer and, for many, the time we kick off our OHV riding season. For those who get out on the trails this weekend – please be happy and safe and recreate responsibly.
Posted: 05/26/23 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Selects Hildesheim as Executive Director – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council will soon have a familiar face at the helm. The NOHVCC Board of Directors has selected long-time Project Manager/Program Director Marc Hildesheim as the next Executive Director of the organization. “I’m very excited to lead NOHVCC on the next leg of its journey and can’t wait to see what NOHVCC staff, the Board of Directors, and our partners can achieve,” said Hildesheim.
Posted: 05/22/23 by Laura Feist
Paul Slavik Pens Autobiography Which Includes Information on the Creation of NOHVCC – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Paul Slavik, NOHVCC Hall of Fame inductee, American Motorcyclist Association Dud Perkins Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, and dedicated OHV advocate has written an autobiography about his amazing life that includes passages describing the formation of NOHVCC. At the time (1990) Paul worked for Honda and was a key contributor to getting NOHVCC off the ground.
Posted: 03/30/23 by Laura Feist
Help Shape the Future of OHV Recreation on Southern California BLM Lands – If You Recreate in SOCAL, Please Take This Opportunity to Weigh In! – NOHVCC
NOHVCC is working in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), to create a California Statewide OHV Action Plan. To make this happen we need your assistance in learning how the BLM can better provide access to high quality OHV recreation experiences in the state of California.
Posted: 03/09/23 by Laura Feist
Excellent Source for Dual Sport Routes – And, Advice on How You Can Give Back by Sharing Your Rides – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Wisconsin State Partner and Director, Bryan Much is a valued ally in helping NOHVCC meet its mission of creating a positive future for OHV recreation. You can learn more about him and a another of his recent success stories by clicking: Case Study In Perseverance – “Repurposed” Riding In Wisconsin. But this story is about Bryan’s website –
Posted: 03/08/23 by Laura Feist
Exciting Partnership in Washington Produces Results – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Marc Toenyan, President, Northwest Motorcycle Association, and friend of NOHVCC passed along the article and video linked below. It is a great story highlighting how partners with diverse interests can work together to promote and achieve sustainable recreational opportunities.
Posted: 02/07/23 by Laura Feist
QuadNB Announce First Ever Reciprocal Agreement Between Canadian Province and US State – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Longtime friend of NOHVCC, ex officio NOHVCC Board Member and Canadian Quad Council General Manager, Wayne Daub alerted us of the exciting news of a new partnership between QuadNB and Maine ATV and forwarded us the below release. Wayne said, “I would like to congratulate both the Maine ATV Association and the New Brunswick ATV Federation on this first ever international trail pass reciprocation agreement, and I am looking forward to this potentially opening the door for other Provinces and States to follow suit.”
Posted: 02/01/23 by Laura Feist
Attending the International Trails Summit? Visit Prison Hill OHV Area! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Those who attended the 2019 NOHVCC Annual Conference will remember the Prison Hill OHV Area we visited for the Mobile Workshop in Carson City, NV. This year the International Trails Summit hosted by American Trails and the Professional TrailBuilders Association will be in Reno, NV April 17-20.
Posted: 01/26/23 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Great Trails Field Guide Now Available Online – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Posted: 01/10/23 by Laura Feist
Save the Date – 2023 NOHVCC Annual Conference Will Be in St. George, Utah! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
After a great 2022 Annual Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee, we will all get together again in St. George, Utah in 2023 for the NOHVCC Annual Conference and Mobile Workshop.
Posted: 01/03/23 by Laura Feist
2022 NOHVCC Year in Review – NOHVCC
2022 was another great year for NOHVCC. We were finally able to all gather again for our Annual Conference in Knoxville, and we think you will find from the year in review below that NOHVCC continued to get results from our education, projects and trainings that help us meet our mission of creating a positive future for OHV recreation. Thanks to all the Directors, State Partners, managers, enthusiasts and others who helped us, did great things on their own, and to everyone in the NOHVCC family.
Posted: 12/29/22 by Laura Feist
Trail Trust Announces Q3 2022 Grant Recipients – Includes Partnership With NOHVCC! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
As many of you know, Trail Trust, Fox Factory’s grant initiative has supported NOHVCC by sponsoring a Great Trails Workshop in North Carolina (learn more here and here) and a recently completed Workshop in Alabama. Now, NOHVCC is proud to announce an ongoing partnership with Trail Trust which will help NOHVCC continue to deliver training and other services to help NOHVCC meet its mission of creating a positive future for OHV recreation.
Posted: 12/14/22 by Laura Feist
Polaris Job Opportunities – NOHVCC
Our friends at Polaris asked us to share the employment opportunities below. Click the job title for more information and to apply.
Posted: 12/13/22 by Laura Feist
2022 COHVCO OHV Training and Workshop a Success (That Can Be Replicated) – NOHVCC
The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO), in conjunction with National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC), Colorado State Parks and Wildlife (CPW), the US Forest Service (USFS), and the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), hosted a training and workshop in Montrose, Colorado September 23-25. Participants included representatives from COHVCO, enthusiasts, CPW, BLM, USFS, and Colorado OHV Trail Crew personnel. This series of events was made possible by a grant from the CPW OHV Trails Program, which also provided funding for a Great Trails Workshop, attended by 30 people and Chainsaw Training for more than a dozen in June and a motorcycle training the day for more than a dozen before the Workshop.
Posted: 11/01/22 by Laura Feist
BLM Seeks Applicants for Alaska Resource Advisory Council – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education
Posted: 10/27/22 by Laura Feist
Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa Is Seeking an OHV Specialist – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Please see information about an OHV employment opportunity from Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa below:
Posted: 10/26/22 by Laura Feist
Utah DNR Seeking Division of Outdoor Recreation Director – NOHVCC
The Utah Department of Natural Resources is seeking a Division of Outdoor Recreation Director. Some info from UT DNR is below.
Posted: 10/17/22 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Loses a Great Friend – RIP Vic Ehnes – NOHVCC
Anyone in the NOHVCC community understands just how important the Ehnes family has been to our organization and off-highway vehicle recreation generally. Russ Ehnes served as Executive Director of NOHVCC for nearly 20 years and his mother, Mona, served as Executive Assistant. Russ’ father, Vic, a long-time motorcycle enthusiast, was ever present during their tenure and was vitally important to the growth and success of NOHVCC. Unfortunately, Russ announced the passing of his Father on Facebook yesterday:
Posted: 10/13/22 by Laura Feist
Applications Now Being Accepted by Legacy Trails Grant Program – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
From our partners at American Trails:
Posted: 10/06/22 by Laura Feist
Reminder – Americans for Responsible Recreational Access (ARRA) Provides a Great (And Free) Way to Weigh in on Issues Important to OHV Recreation – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Many long-time members of the NOHVCC family will already be aware of Americans For Responsible Recreational Access (ARRA). Representatives from ARRA routinely participate in NOHVCC’s Annual Conferences, and ARRA was heavily engaged in many recent battles on Capitol Hill in support of safe and responsible OHV recreation (RTP reauthorization, lead ban, ROV standards, potential Wilderness and National Monument designations, etc.). Newcomers to NOHVCC (or those who changed email addresses or otherwise dropped off ARRA’s list) should visit here to sign up as soon as possible.
Posted: 09/20/22 by Laura Feist
Post Wildfire Ohv Recovery Alliance (Pwora) Is Seeking Applications for Position of President – Nohvcc
NOHVCC has touted the successes of the Post Wildfire OHV Recovery Alliance a few times in this space. To learn more read:
Posted: 09/13/22 by Laura Feist
Making the Most of Conference – Sharable Safe and Responsible Use Videos Created by Industry Associations – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
This article is the third in a series designed to ensure that the recently completed 2022 NOHVCC Annual Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee has a lasting impact. NOHVCC Conferences bring together the best and brightest in the OHV community to network and learn from one another and from the talented presenters and panelists that share their knowledge. Engaged participants can bring back their new “tools” and share them with others to help create a positive future for OHV recreation. For those that were unable to attend we will try to capture some of the information and momentum created in Knoxville.
Posted: 09/08/22 by Laura Feist
Washington State Department of Natural Resources Seeking Two Recreation Technicians – NOHVCC
Please see below announcement from Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Posted: 09/06/22 by Laura Feist
Making the Most of the Annual Conference – Trailer Safety From the National Association of Trailer Manufacturers – NOHVCC
This article is the second in a series designed to ensure that the recently completed 2022 NOHVCC Annual Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee has a lasting impact. NOHVCC Conferences bring together the best and brightest in the OHV community to network and learn from one another and from the talented presenters and panelists that share their knowledge. Engaged participants can bring back their new “tools” and share them with others to help create a positive future for OHV recreation. For those that were unable to attend we will try to capture some of the information and momentum created in Knoxville.
Posted: 09/01/22 by Laura Feist
Making the Most of the Annual Conference – First Up – Industry Update and New Funding Opportunities! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
This article is the first in a series designed to ensure that the recently completed 2022 NOHVCC Annual Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee has a lasting impact. NOHVCC Conferences bring together the best and brightest in the OHV community to network and learn from one another and from the talented presenters and panelists that share their knowledge. Engaged participants can bring back their new “tools” and share them with others to help create a positive future for OHV recreation. For those that were unable to attend we will try to capture some of the information and momentum created in Knoxville.
Posted: 08/30/22 by Laura Feist
New Funding Opportunity for Projects on U.S. Forest Service Lands – Join American Trails and Partners on a Webinar Tuesday, August 30 to Learn More – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
From our partners at American Trails:
Posted: 08/26/22 by Laura Feist
Agenda Available for 2022 NOHVCC Annual Conference! – NOHVCC
After a long few years without an in-person Conference or Mobile Workshop, NOHVCC staff has arrived in Knoxville, TN and the Board of Directors are enroute. We have put together a great few days featuring special guest presentations, panel discussions, opportunities for group discussions and a visit to Windrock Park for the NOHVCC Mobile Workshop Presented by Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative (read more).
Posted: 08/16/22 by Laura Feist
Raffle at NOHVCC Annual Conference – Bring Items if You Can! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Once again, NOHVCC will host a speed raffle at our Saturday night Banquet and Awards Ceremony at our Annual Conference. Last year’s raffle was a huge success and your generosity helped to offset the costs of the Conference. If you have items that you can donate – club hats, jerseys, mugs, t-shirts, gear or other new, or race-worn items by recognized racers, please bring them along and any proceeds raised by the raffle will be used to support NOHVCC. NOHVCC will be bringing along a few items as well.
Posted: 08/10/22 by Laura Feist
Important Information About the 2022 NOHVCC Mobile Workshop – And Learn More About Workshop Host Windrock Park – NOHVCC
Registration remains open for the 2022 NOHVCC Annual Conference and Mobile Workshop August 18-20. Conference hotel information and links to registration are below.
Posted: 07/28/22 by Laura Feist
Polaris Signs on as “Extreme Terrain” Sponsor of 2022 NOHVCC Annual Conference – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Posted: 07/19/22 by Laura Feist
U.S. Department of Transportation Offers New Grant Program – Learn More by Participating in July 14 DOT Webinar – NOHVCC
The below was issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation. There may be opportunities for OHV projects to take advantage of this program. If you are interested, consider taking part in the DOT webinar.
Posted: 07/06/22 by Laura Feist
2022 NOHVCC Annual Conference – Registration Open for General Attendees – Registration for State Partners Using Travel Grants Coming Soon – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Registration for the 2022 NOHVCC Annual Conference in Knoxville, TN August 18-20 for general attendees is now open. The conference will follow a somewhat typical schedule that will be familiar to many of you. A mobile field workshop for attendees will be held on Thursday, August 18, with indoor sessions following on Friday, August 19 and Saturday, August 20. Finally, the NOHVCC conference will conclude with a banquet on Saturday evening.
Posted: 06/15/22 by Laura Feist
Collaboration Works – Snake River Trails Alliance in Idaho Continues Successful Efforts – NOHVCC
Last year the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) highlighted a great example of disparate recreation groups coming together to get results. You may recall that a newly formed group – the Snake River Trails Alliance – used funding from several sources to construct a bridge on the Bear Creek Trail, a multi-use trail on the Palisades Ranger District of the Caribou-Targhee National Forest.
Posted: 06/02/22 by Laura Feist
Trailer Safety Week Starts June 5 – Help NOHVCC Support This Important Initiative – NOHVCC
As many OHV enthusiasts rely on trailers to get their OHVs to and from riding areas, NOHVCC is excited to participate in Trailer Safety Week starting June 5. Help NOHVCC support this important initiative by sharing the links and articles below in club newsletters, on social media, and websites.
Posted: 05/26/22 by Laura Feist
Iowa DNR Seeks Grants Manager to Oversee Development of OHV Trails – NOHVCC
NOHVCC Initiatives
Please see job description provided by Iowa DNR below:
Posted: 05/24/22 by Laura Feist
Meet Landscape Architect Matt Fusco – He Supports Sustainable Trails for All Uses – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
At the recent Great Trails Workshop in North Carolina funded by Trail Trust, we not only had the fortune of meeting Shawn Lindsey we also got to know Matt Fusco.
Posted: 05/19/22 by Laura Feist
Use Testimonials to Generate Support for a Great Trails Workshop in Your Area – NOHVCC
NOHVCC has created a digital flyer describing Great Trails Workshops that includes testimonials from land managers who have participated in a recent workshop. We know that there are many of you who would like NOHVCC to bring a workshop to your area, but maybe you need to convince your land managers of the value of hosting this training. Or, perhaps, a land manager needs to convince a supervisor of the benefits of this particular sort of education. We hope the testimonials can help.
Posted: 05/17/22 by Laura Feist
Receive Weekly Updates From the Motorcycle Industry Council – Sign Up for RideReport! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Posted: 05/10/22 by Laura Feist
May 7 Is International Female Ride Day – Just Ride! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
For the 16th year the first Saturday in May is dedicated to female riders. From International Female Ride Day® “…celebrates women motorcycle riders and is not country, group or organizationally specific – it is a globally synchronized “JUST RIDE!”© day, for women. Vicki Gray created IFRD for all women individually, in groups and collectively – everywhere!
Posted: 05/05/22 by Laura Feist
Scholarship Opportunity for 2022 NOHVCC Annual Conference – NOHVCC
NOHVCC will award scholarships for a limited number of qualified individuals to attend the NOHVCC Annual Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee August 18-20. We recognize that attending the Conference is an expensive proposition, but we want to make sure we have the best and brightest from the OHV community participate. These scholarships will cover the cost of travel, lodging, registration and most meals of awardees.
Posted: 05/03/22 by Laura Feist
Help Support Off-Road Safety Week! Get Your Agency or Club Involved in Promoting Safe and Responsible Use of ORVS – NOHVCC
Tread Lightly!, the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association, and the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council are working together to support Train for the Trail – the theme of this year’s Off-Road Safety Week, May 14-23.
Posted: 04/26/22 by Laura Feist
Introducing Doe Mountain Rec Area (TN) – Provide Examples of Best Practices to Help Executive Director Shawn Lindsey Disperse Users – NOHVCC
At the recent NOHVCC Great Trails Workshop in North Carolina funded by Trail Trust ( we had the fortune of meeting Shawn Lindsey, Executive Director, Doe Mountain Recreation Authority. Shawn travelled from Tennessee to participate in the Workshop and brought several of his staff as well. For recaps of the NC Workshop click here and here.
Posted: 04/19/22 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Missouri State Partner Finds Success Through Positive Relationships – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Posted: 03/17/22 by Laura Feist
A Few Slots Remain – Opportunity to Participate in North Carolina Great Trails Workshop in April – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC will host a Great Trails Workshop to educate and benefit North Carolina’s off-highway vehicle (OHV) enthusiasts, OHV club members, land managers, and other OHV stakeholders. This training will be focused on the development of sustainable trails and trail partnerships. Please see information below for more information and to register.
Posted: 03/15/22 by Laura Feist
Exhibitor Package/Pricing Available for 2022 NOHVCC Annual Conference – NOHVCC
NOHVCC intends to move forward with an in-person Annual Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee August 18-21, 2022. Not only will we have our traditional Mobile Workshop, and plenty of presentations about best practices, opportunities, issues overcome by OHV enthusiasts, managers, agencies, and industry, we also are planning a few new wrinkles. We hope everyone in the NOHVCC family can not only attend but participate and add to the discussion.
Posted: 03/03/22 by Laura Feist
USFS Trail Partner Survey – The Results Are In! – NOHVCC
Late last year we encouraged you to participate in a Forest Service (USFS) partner survey conducted by the USFS in partnership with the University of Colorado Denver. The survey aimed to provide insights into the experiences and perceptions of trail volunteers and partners working with the Forest Service. The results are in – the USFS has released an infographic detailing the survey’s findings.
Posted: 03/01/22 by Laura Feist
Washington DNR Seeks Recreation Communications Consultant – NOHVCC
Please see notice below from the Washington Department of Natural Resources announcing a job opening.
Posted: 02/25/22 by Laura Feist
AMA Provides Important Information for Anyone Hosting or Volunteering at Any OHV Event – NOHVCC
The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) has tools designed to help organizers who wish host an AMA sanctioned race or event. Those of you who have hosted such events will be aware of the AMA’s requirement that AMA-chartered clubs and promoters who wish to sanction events complete the AMA Risk Management Workshop every year. This virtual workshop not only provides relevant information about staging an AMA event it also provides a brief overview of risk management that is extremely helpful for any event organizer.
Posted: 02/24/22 by Laura Feist
Annual Conference Sponsorship Opportunities – Communicate Directly to Your Consumers and Those Who Make Decisions About Access – NOHVCC
NOHVCC intends to move forward with an in-person Annual Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee August 18-21, 2022. Not only will we have our traditional Mobile Workshop, and plenty of presentations about best practices, opportunities, issues overcome by OHV enthusiasts, managers, agencies, and industry, we also are planning a few new wrinkles. We hope everyone in the NOHVCC family can not only attend but participate and add to the discussion.
Posted: 02/22/22 by Laura Feist
Two Opportunities to Participate in Great Trails Workshops – North Carolina and Missouri – NOHVCC
NOHVCC will host Great Trails Workshops to educate and benefit North Carolina’s and Missouri’s off-highway vehicle (OHV) enthusiasts, OHV club members, land managers, and other OHV stakeholders. These trainings will be focused on the development of sustainable trails and trail partnerships. Please see information below for more information and to register.
Posted: 02/15/22 by Laura Feist
Celebrating 50 Years of the California OHMVR Division at the State Capitol – NOHVCC
Please see the below article prepared for the California State Parks Weekly Digest (January 7, 2022) by Don Schmidt, State Park Interpreter I (RA), OHMVR Division.
Posted: 02/08/22 by Laura Feist
Save the Date! The NOHVCC 2022 Annual Conference Will Be in Knoxville, Tennessee! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
After missing the 2020 Annual Conference and hosting a virtual Conference in 2021, NOHVCC hopes to finally meet in person in Knoxville, Tennessee this year. We are still in the planning stages and there may be changes to the format, but it is important to start planning now!
Posted: 02/01/22 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Announces Pilot Heavy Equipment Operator Training – Few Slots Remain Available for Managers and Enthusiasts Located in Arizona – NOHVCC
It will be of little shock for many that there is a large backlog of deferred maintenance on OHV trails across the country. This is especially true in high-use areas near urban interfaces and other popular OHV riding destinations. Many of these riding areas are on USFS and BLM managed lands. Unfortunately, these agencies are often under-staffed and under-funded which compounds the issue. Another hurdle is lack of available heavy equipment vehicles and skilled operators to operate them.
Posted: 01/25/22 by Laura Feist
Fox Factory Offers Grants Through Its Trail Trust Program – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The information below was provided by Fox Factory. Please use the included links to apply or learn more about the program.
Posted: 01/11/22 by Laura Feist
2021 NOHVCC Year in Review – NOHVCC
2021 was a great year for NOHVCC. While we still had lingering issues getting together resulting from the ongoing pandemic, we think you will find from the year in review below that we were able to continue to move forward with our mission of creating a positive future for OHV recreation. Thanks to all the State Partners, managers and others who helped us, did great things on their own and to everyone in the NOHVCC familly.
Posted: 12/21/21 by Laura Feist
Important! Help Us Better Understand Your Club or Association Insurance Strategy – NOHVCC
NOHVCC Insurance Survey
Posted: 11/16/21 by Laura Feist
Oregon Department of Forestry Is Seeking to Fill Two OHV Trail Management Positions – NOHVCC
From the Oregon Department of Forestry:
Posted: 11/15/21 by Laura Feist
Join the Coalition for Recreational Trails on November 10 for a Virtual Awards Ceremony on Facebook Live! – Nohvcc
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The Board of Directors of the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) have selected award winners for the 2021 Annual Tom Petri CRT Awards that honor outstanding projects that utilized Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funding. Despite the ongoing pandemic, there were a record number of projects nominated, and the quality of projects represented was outstanding. The Awards Committee had a tough time making final decisions and the entire Board of Directors was delighted with the excellent pool of nominations.
Posted: 11/04/21 by Laura Feist
Videos of Virtual Conference Available – Thanks to Those Who Participated Live! – NOHVCC
NOHVCC hosted its first ever Virtual Conference October 15-16. We were thrilled to have so many join us and participate live – so a special thanks to those of you who joined us. Recordings of most of the Conference are below for anyone who missed it. We had an outstanding slate of presenters and the information they provide is extremely valuable and can be used by anyone who shares NOHVCC’s mission of creating a positive future for OHV recreation.
Posted: 10/21/21 by Laura Feist
Case Study in Perseverance – “Repurposed” Riding in Wisconsin – NOHVCC
Nearly ten years ago the federal government sought to turn management of the decommissioned Badger Army Ammunition Plant that operated during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War over to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (among other agencies) for management. The DNR along with all sorts of recreationists saw an opportunity to utilize the area for hiking, hunting, birdwatching and other activities. At first it seemed unlikely that motorized recreation would ever occur on the area, but NOHVCC Wisconsin State Partner Bryan Much had a unique idea.
Posted: 10/19/21 by Laura Feist
Can-Am Designates October 8 as “International Off-Road Day” – NOHVCC
Please see the below press release from Can-Am recognizing October 8 as “International Off-Road Day.” Can-Am encourages any OHV enthusiasts who hits the trails on Friday to take pictures and share them on social media using the hashtag #InternationalOffRoadDay. NOHVCC urges everyone in the OHV community to participate if you can. Please keep in mind that the best way to enjoy OHV recreation is to practice safe and responsible use. NOHVCC’s ethic includes, wearing all appropriate safety gear on ALL rides (for ATVs, ROVS and dirt bikes this includes: a DOT-compliant helmet, goggles, long sleeves, long pants, over-the-ankle boots, and gloves); staying on trails, routes and areas designated for OHV use; never operating an OHV under the influence of drugs or alcohol; and avoiding on-highway use of vehicles designed solely for off-highway use.
Posted: 10/04/21 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Virtual Annual Conference – October 15-16 – Register Now! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Click here to sign up for the NOHVCC Annual Conference sessions on October 15-16.
Posted: 09/28/21 by Laura Feist
New NOHVCC Board of Directors Set to Be Installed by Proclamation at Annual Meeting in October – NOHVCC
NOHVCC is well situated for the future as current Directors have stepped up to fill the pivotal Chairman and Secretary positions as a part of this year’s election process. Current Public Lands Issue Area Representative Barrett Brown was nominated for Chairman, while existing Youth and Education Issue Area Representative Tasha Nielsen chose to run for Secretary. With current Treasurer Wayne Briske not up for reelection this year all Officer position will be filled when the new Board of Directors is installed at the NOHVCC Annual Board of Directors meeting in October.
Posted: 09/27/21 by Laura Feist
Job Opportunity in Minnesota – Department of Natural Resources Seeks an Off-Highway Vehicle Principal Planner – NOHVCC
Please see job announcement from Minnesota Department of Natural Resources below:
Posted: 09/14/21 by Laura Feist
Submit Your Outdoor Recreation Projects Eligible for LWCF Funding – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC Partners Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) and Americans for Responsible Recreational Access are collecting information on projects eligible for Land and Water Conservation Funds. Please click the link below to take the survey.
Posted: 09/07/21 by Laura Feist
Idaho BLM State OHV Action Plan Process Upcoming – Idaho Enthusiasts, This Is Your Opportunity to Help Shape the Future of OHV Recreation in Your State! – NOHVCC
Idaho OHV Enthusiasts:
Posted: 09/01/21 by Laura Feist
2021 Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO): OHV Training Workshops – NOHVCC
Thanks to funding from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife OHV Grant program, COHVCO will be holding two chainsaw trainings and an OHV workshop to educate and benefit the State’s off-highway vehicle (OHV) enthusiasts, land managers, and other OHV stakeholders. These trainings will be focused on the vision and goals for OHV recreation in the future. All trainings are dependent on COVID-19 related regulations and meeting size requirements.
Posted: 08/31/21 by Laura Feist
Nominations Being Accepted for NOHVCC Board of Directors – Updated List – Nominations Due August 31 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Each year NOHVCC State Partners elect NOHVCC’s Board of Directors at the Annual Conference – except for last year due to COVID-19 scuttling the in-person meeting. Instead, the NOHVCC Board of Directors opted to postpone voting. While we cannot meet in person again this year (read Update On 2021 NOHVCC Annual Conference), the Directors have decided it necessary to move forward with virtual elections this year.
Posted: 08/24/21 by Laura Feist
Planning for 2022 Great Trails Workshops Underway – Let Us Know if You Are Interested in Hosting One in Your Area – NOHVCC
NOHVCC Directors and staff, much like everyone, seeks the certainty that has been missing from our lives for the last year and a half. One thing is certain, OHV enthusiasts and land managers are excited to get back to working on their trails. This has been demonstrated by requests for Great Trails workshops in 2021. So far this year, we have conducted workshops in Arizona, Alabama (2), Utah (2), and North Dakota, and requests for 2022 are rolling in. This means that we need to start planning for next year and if you would like to host a Workshop in your area, you need to reach out to NOHVCC staff now – before 2022 capacity is reached.
Posted: 08/17/21 by Laura Feist
Urgent – Senate Amendment to Boost RTP Funding to Be Considered Today! – NOHVCC Partner Americans for Responsible Recreational Access (ARRA) Provides Easy and Free Way to Weigh In! – NOHVCC
U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and James Risch (R-ID) have introduced an amendment (2616) to increase funding for the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) to the transportation reauthorization bill being considered by the Senate. The amendment is bolstered by a report issued by the Federal Highway Administration last week that concludes that OHV enthusiasts currently pay about $281 million annually in fuel taxes when they fill up ATVs, dirt bikes, ROVs (side-by-sides), 4X4 trucks used off-highway, and snowmobiles. RTP – based on the user pay/user benefit philosophy is currently funded at about $84 million annually. Amendment 2616 would reduce this inequity by raising RTP funding to about $130 million per year for the next five years.
Posted: 08/07/21 by Laura Feist
Join American Trails and NOHVCC on 9/2 for Webinar – “The Value of Trail Assessments” – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Title: The Value of Trail Assessments
Posted: 08/05/21 by Laura Feist
After 24 Great Years – NOHVCC President Dan Kleen Is Stepping Down – NOHVCC
NOHVCC President Dan Kleen is retiring from his post at the end of his term this year. Dan has been an integral part of NOHVCC since its inception and has had a lasting and profound impact on not only NOHVCC, but also on the sport of OHV recreation. His tenacity, drive, passion, skill and, most importantly, his kind demeanor will be missed by his entire NOHVCC family. The NOHVCC Board of Directors and staff thank him for his tireless efforts and look forward to working with him in other roles in the future.
Posted: 08/03/21 by Laura Feist
Unique Opportunity for NOHVCC Partners and Friends to Participate in 50th Anniversary Re-Release of Iconic Movie “On Any Sunday” – NOHVCC
Mark Mitchell – long time State Partner and friend of NOHVCC, recently reached out with what could be a great opportunity to get even more people excited about powersports and OHV recreation through the 50th Anniversary re-release of the classic film “On Any Sunday.” Many of us have been inspired, reinvigorated or just plain amped up by the legendary Bruce Brown movie. Now we have a chance to not only see it on the big screen again, but also to share it with others (particularly young people) who may have never seen the movie.
Posted: 07/29/21 by Laura Feist
Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation Is Currently Seeking Applications for a Regional Trails Specialist to Plan, Develop, Implement and Coordinate the Motorized Trails Program for Southern Idaho – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
From Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation:
Posted: 07/28/21 by Laura Feist
Virtual Nohvcc Board Elections to Be Held Prior to October 15 Kick Off of Virtual Conference – Check Below to See if You Are Eligible to Serve – Nohvcc
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Each year NOHVCC State Partners elect NOHVCC’s Board of Directors at the Annual Conference – except for last year due to COVID-19 scuttling the in-person meeting. Instead, the NOHVCC Board of Directors opted to postpone voting. While we cannot meet in person again this year (read Update On 2021 NOHVCC Annual Conference), the Directors have decided it necessary to move forward with virtual elections this year.
Posted: 07/27/21 by Laura Feist
Employment Opportunity – Washington State Parks Is Seeking a Trails Program Manager – NOHVCC
View listing here: Trails Program Manager (WMS Band 2) 07048 | Job Details tab | Career Pages (
Posted: 07/21/21 by Laura Feist
Update on 2021 NOHVCC Annual Conference – It Will Be Virtual and Has Been Moved to October – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
In many ways and many areas of the Country life is beginning to return to normal. It is everyone’s hope that the vaccines for COVID-19 continue to make it possible for more and more activities (like Annual Conferences) to safely move forward. Unfortunately, the NOHVCC Board of Directors and staff have made the difficult decision to postpone our in-person Annual Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee until 2022. While it may have been possible to gather together this year there are simply too many hurdles to overcome for staff to put together a conference we could be proud of, and that attendees would benefit from and enjoy.
Posted: 07/20/21 by Laura Feist
A Case Study in Perseverance – Trail Riders of Southern Arizona Put Trails on the Ground – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The Trail Riders of Southern Arizona (TRS) represent a success story of working with local land managers and the Coronado National Forest (CNF) to create new OHV opportunities in Southern Arizona. The Red Spring Trail system is a multi-use motorized singletrack system (open to motorcycles, hikers, mountain bikes, e-bikes, and equestrians) that was created thanks to the vision and patience of passionate dirt bike riders, USFS staff, OHV decal funding, and countless volunteer hours. While it was not a fast or easy process the end result is the Red Spring Trail system – over 20 miles of brand-new, purpose-built singletrack on US Forest Service land with a second phase adding even more trail to come soon.
Posted: 07/16/21 by Laura Feist
Nominate Outstanding RTP Projects for CRT Awards – Deadline Extended! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Deadline for nominations extended until July 19!
Posted: 07/07/21 by Laura Feist
Prison Hill Recreation Area Volunteer Work Day a Success as NOHVCC Efforts Continue – NOHVCC
NOHVCC has been providing updates about our work at the Prison Hill Recreation Area outside of Carson City, Nevada. If you missed the updates check out:
Posted: 06/25/21 by Laura Feist
Effective Enforcement – A Conversation With C.J. Hughes, Park Ranger With Iowa DNR – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC staff recently visited several of Iowa’s OHV Parks to help develop skills development courses. While there we had the opportunity to spend some time with Iowa Department of Natural Resources Park Ranger C.J. Hughes. C.J. stood out as a uniformed officer who showed clear passion for OHV recreation, the people who enjoy motorized recreation and protecting valuable natural resources, so NOHVCC jumped at the chance to ask him some questions.
Posted: 06/22/21 by Laura Feist
Unique OHV Employment Opportunity in Michigan – NOHVCC
Posted below is a job announcement for The Cycle Conservation Club of Michigan. If you are interested in submitting an application, or would like more information please use the contact information provided.
Posted: 06/17/21 by Laura Feist
Approached by the Media About an OHV Issue? Help Is Available! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC recently hosted a webinar titled Dealing With The Media – Tips And Best Practices during which Andria Yu, director of media relations at the Motorcycle Industry Council, and Ty van Hooydonk, senior editor at the MIC, introduced webinar participants to important guidelines and best practices to follow when dealing with the media. OHV leaders are often approached by local newspapers, websites, blogs, radio stations and other media to weigh in on important issues. Andria and Ty have decades of experience in working with the media and began to help participants understand how, when, and why to comment on the record – and how to be prepared to deliver the appropriate message. View a recorded version of the webinar here (login required).
Posted: 06/03/21 by Laura Feist
New NOHVCC Safe and Responsible Use PSA Video – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
NOHVCC has a new safe and responsible use PSA video that can be accessed at and on Youtube. NOHVCC staff members Marc Hildesheim and Geoff Chain cover some of the basics that can help those new to OHV recreation better understand some of the responsibilities inherent to safe and responsible OHV use in the one-and-a-half-minute video. But the breakout star in the video is Olivia McGreevy-Hildesheim – Marc is her Dad.
Posted: 05/06/21 by Laura Feist
Minnesota DNR Seeking OHV Program Consultant – NOHVCC
Please see below information from Minnesota DNR Parks & Trail Central Office about an open job opportunity.
Posted: 05/05/21 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Announces Two Scholarships – One for a Future OHV Recreation Manager, and Another for an OHV Enthusiast Who Plans to Continue to Be Involved in Our Sport as a Volunteer – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation not only requires access to OHV trails, areas and systems, but also people to manage and provide for the use. As a result, NOHVCC wants to make a small investment in the future by offering a $500 scholarship to an individual pursuing a career in the outdoors. The ideal candidate will follow a course of study that is intended to lead to a career in recreation or land management or other related fields and will have a passion for OHV recreation.
Posted: 04/27/21 by Laura Feist
Webinar – Dealing With the Media – Tips and Best Practices – May 4, 2021 at 8 PM EST – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC’s webinar series continues– join us on May 4!
Posted: 04/22/21 by Laura Feist
Watch – NOHVCC Staff on Toledo Trail Riders Podcast – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Matt Bucher and Marty Wheeler with the Toledo Trail Riders recently hosted NOHVCC Executive Director Duane Taylor and Program Director Marc Hildesheim on the Toledo Track and Trail Podcast. The broad ranging conversation that occurred covered NOHVCC’s mission, the RTP, OHV enforcement, best practices and more. Click below to watch!
Posted: 04/13/21 by Laura Feist
Trailer Safety Reminder – Check Out This Story From Jalopnik! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
As you will recall NOHVCC participated in Trailer Safety Week last year and will again in 2021. This year Trailer Safety Week is June 6-12. Look out for more great information about correctly and responsibly towing your OHVs as NOHVCC uses this time to highlight trailer safety. But it is always important to stay diligent and keep in mind that safe and responsible practices can save lives.
Posted: 04/01/21 by Laura Feist
Bill to Reauthorize, Increase Funding for the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Introduced in U.S. House OF Representatives – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Legislation (H.R. 1864) to reauthorize the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. As you are likely aware the RTP is arguably the most important government program ever created to benefit the OHV community. RTP utilizes funds collected from federal gas taxes to pay for trail construction, maintenance, and education for both motorized and non-motorized recreation. To learn more about RTP click here.
Posted: 03/23/21 by Laura Feist
Great Trails: Providing Quality OHV Trails and Experiences Is Now Available for Download Directly From – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Great Trails: Providing Quality OHV Trails and Experiences authored by Dick Dufourd and published by NOHVCC which has been internationally recognized as the must-have guidebook for OHV trails can now be downloaded for free or purchased (hard copy) directly from All you need to do is click here, register or login and start accessing the information contained in Great Trails.
Posted: 03/17/21 by Laura Feist
Free Great Trails Workshop – March 20-21, 2021 in Amado, AZ – Red Spring Trail System – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education
Free Great Trails Training workshop near Tucson, AZ on March 20-21! This training will focus on motorized singletrack trails and will highlight the “Red Spring” motorized trail system which is a success story of a local club working with the land manager to create a new motorized trail system. Topics will cover trail layout and design, construction techniques, collaboration efforts, sustainable trail and management practices, and more.
Posted: 03/08/21 by Laura Feist
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Debuts Top BLM Motorized Recreational Opportunities Website – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
From BLM’s Top BLM Motorized Recreational Opportunities Website:
Posted: 03/05/21 by Laura Feist
Submit Your Project to the Trails Move People Survey – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
This survey aims to quantify the capacity of the trails community to build, maintain, and develop trails now, and to provide input to GAOA and LWCF funding.
Posted: 02/25/21 by Laura Feist
Interested in a Great Trails Workshop in Your Area? Learn More – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Great Trails: Providing Quality OHV Trails andExperiences authored by Dick Dufourd and published by NOHVCC has beeninternationally recognized as the must-have guidebook for OHV trails andprovides the curriculum for NOHVCC’s Great Trails workshops.
Posted: 02/23/21 by Laura Feist
Paul Slavik – Long Time Friend of NOHVCC and OHV Advocate Honored by the American Motorcyclist Association With Lifetime Achievement Award – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The American Motorcyclist Association announced last week that Paul Slavik has been recognized with the AMA Dud Perkins Lifetime Achievement Award. AMA described the award as acknowledging “…the highest level of service to the AMA in any area of activity.”
Posted: 02/09/21 by Laura Feist
Join American Trails (And Two NOHVCC Directors) on 2/4 for Webinar – “From Industrial Site to Trail Destination” – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Note: This webinar is hosted by American Trials and is not part of NOHVCC’s ongoing webinar series.
Posted: 02/02/21 by Laura Feist
2020 NOHVCC Year in Review – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
2020 was a trying year for everyone. Thanks to the commitment of NOHVCC’s Board of Directors, staff, and partners, NOHVCC was able to navigate the myriad challenges of 2020 and be prepared for a strong reentry to normalcy once the time comes.
Posted: 12/17/20 by Laura Feist
Employment Opportunity in Washington (Department of Natural Resources) – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Please see notice below for information on a unique employment opportunity in outdoor recreation.
Posted: 12/03/20 by Laura Feist
Have You Rented an ROV (Side-by-Side) in the Last 5 Years? Please Take Our Quick Survey! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
If you have rented an ROV (side-by-side) in the last five years, please take the survey below. You will be asked about your personal experience level with operating ROVs, as well as about any safe and responsible use messaging you may have received at the time of rental (written, video, safety briefing, etc.).
Posted: 12/01/20 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Offers Safe and Responsible Use Messaging to Those Who Rent ROVs – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
NOHVCC has created a webpage with educational messaging aimed at renters of ROVS. If you know of any ROV rental companies that could use this messaging please pass this article along.
Posted: 11/18/20 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Holds Saw Training for Washington Off-Highway Vehicle Alliance – By Marc Hildesheim – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
In 2016 after many years of collaboration with stakeholders, the Forest Service implemented a new chainsaw policy. This new policy was intended to make it easier for volunteers who perform trail work across the country to gain access to training, and to create a meaningful training that spoke directly to the type of cutting they do.
Posted: 11/12/20 by Laura Feist
Department of Interior Announces Free Entry to Interior Lands for Gold Star Families and Veterans – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
See press release from DOI below:
Posted: 11/10/20 by Laura Feist
Join Us Today for the Coalition for Recreational Trails Virtual Awards Ceremony – Plus Award Winners Announced! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Twelve trail projects and programs have been chosen by the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) as recipients of its 2020 Tom Petri Recreational Trails Program Annual Achievement Awards. The awards – honoring former U.S. Representative Tom Petri (WI) – recognize outstanding use of Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funds. These projects will be honored at a live virtual ceremony on October 22 with participation by award recipients and key trails champions, including Members of Congress.
Posted: 10/22/20 by Laura Feist
Join the Coalition for Recreational Trails on October 22 for a Virtual Awards Ceremony on Facebook Live! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
The Board of Directors of the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) have selected award winners for the 2020 Annual Tom Petri CRT Awards that honor outstanding projects that utilized Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funding. Despite the ongoing pandemic, there were a record number of projects nominated, and the quality of projects represented was outstanding. The Awards Committee had a tough time making final decisions and the entire Board of Directors was delighted with the excellent pool of nominations.
Posted: 10/15/20 by Laura Feist
Webinar – Effective Grant Writing – October 21, 2020 at 8 PM EST – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
NOHVCC’s webinar series continues– join us on October 21!
Posted: 10/13/20 by Laura Feist
Rowdy Claycomb Named Inaugural NOHVCC Future Land Manager Scholarship Recipient – Meet Rowdy! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation not only requires access to OHV trails, areas and systems, but also people to manage and provide for the use. As a result, NOHVCC wanted to make a small investment in the future by offering a $1,000 scholarship to an individual pursuing a career in the outdoors. We were searching for an ideal candidate who will follow a course of study that is intended to lead to a career in recreation or land management or other related fields and who also has a passion for OHV recreation. We believe we found a recipient who fits the bill perfectly!
Posted: 10/01/20 by Laura Feist
Important – Managing Human Waste – Learn How to Protect Resources and Access – NOHVCC
As people seek ways to get outdoors during the time of social distancing OHV use is welcoming many new enthusiasts to our family. But when new members are added to our ranks it is important to ensure that everyone understands and applies important safe and responsible use practices. One gross and troubling issue that seems to be causing problems is how best to deal with human waste.
Posted: 09/24/20 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Announces Virtual Listening Sessions for Colorado Action Plan – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) is a non-profit 501C3 organization dedicated to creating a positive future for off-highway vehicle recreation. You can learn more at NOHVCC is working in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), US Forest Service (USFS), Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and the Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) to create a Statewide OHV Action Plan. To make this happen we need your assistance in learning how the land management agencies can better provide access to high quality OHV recreation experiences in the state of Colorado.
Posted: 09/09/20 by Laura Feist
Tools for Safe and Responsible OHV Recreation for Labor Day Weekend (And for Every Time You Visit Your Riding Area) – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
The unofficial end of Summer – Labor Day Weekend – is here! Despite the ongoing pandemic, many of you will take this opportunity to enjoy OHV recreation. As ever, it is important that all of us remain vigilant to ensure we recreate safely and responsibly. NOHVCC has tools to help!
Posted: 09/03/20 by Laura Feist
In Case You Missed It – Industry Update From the Motorcycle Industry Council – Recording Now Available – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
NOHVCC’s webinar series recently featured key leaders from the Motorcycle Industry Council providing an update on the powersports industry. If you missed it, a recording of the webinar is now available.
Posted: 08/25/20 by Laura Feist
Nominate Outstanding RTP Projects for CRT Awards! Deadline Extended Due to COVID-19 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education
The Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) has once again issued a call for nominations for outstanding projects that utilized funds from the Recreational Trails Program (RTP). Please read the letter below and if you are aware of any completed award worthy RTP projects click here to fill out a nomination form by July 31. The CRT not only recognizes great projects, it also raises the profile of RTP on Capitol Hill, which will help keep the program funded and secure.
Posted: 08/06/20 by Laura Feist
Would Other Riders Know Who to Contact if You Were Involved in an Incident? – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
One of the great things about OHV recreation is that we can get outdoors, often far from services. Many of us love to take our machines deep in the backcountry to escape our day-to-day routines. Of course, this sort of recreation requires responsibility. We should wear appropriate safety gear, recreate responsibly, travel with others and plan ahead. But, despite our best effort incidents happen. Even incidents that may be unrelated to the OHV recreation itself are possible – heart attacks, strokes, forest fires, animal run-ins and any number of other maladies can and do happen. As a result, it is imperative that we are prepared whenever we get in or throw a leg over our machines.
Posted: 07/30/20 by Laura Feist
Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association Develops Waiver and Protocol for Volunteering During COVID-19 – Shared to Help Other Clubs Develop Similar Documents – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
The Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association (OMRA) has undertaken a systematic effort to develop documents related to OHV volunteer efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. OMRA shared its results with NOHVCC and has provided the documents for other OHV clubs and associations to learn/borrow from as they develop protocols of their own.
Posted: 07/28/20 by Laura Feist
Webinar – Industry Update From the Motorcycle Industry Council- August 11 at 8 PM EST – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
NOHVCC’s webinar series continues– join us on August 11!
Posted: 07/23/20 by Laura Feist
Giveaways With a Message – What Swag Have You, Your Club, Association or Agency Provided to Event Attendees That Has Resulted in Effective Education? – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Each of us has been at an event (OHV or otherwise) and seen branded flashlights, pocketknives, fidget spinners, coloring books, pens, bags, and any number of other giveaways to attract our attention. The purpose of these items in some settings is simply to draw attendees over in hopes of an ensuing conversation. But sometimes these take-home items have another purpose – education through messaging contained on or within the items themselves. We want to hear from you about the second kind of swag. What have you, your club, association, or agency given away that you feel has resulted in delivering an important message?
Posted: 07/21/20 by Laura Feist
As Dirt Bike Sales Jump, Motorcycle Safety Foundation Offers Tips, Resources – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
For NOHVCC’s Guidelines For Those Who Choose To Ride During “Social Distancing,” click here.
Posted: 07/15/20 by Laura Feist
Off-Highway Vehicle Enthusiasts Launch ‘National Trail Clean-Up Day’ – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Posted: 07/13/20 by Laura Feist
OHV Grant Administrator Job Opportunity in Utah – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education
Please see information provided by Ride With Respect Executive Director, Clif Koontz below:Until Sunday, July 12th, Utah State Parks is accepting applications to fill a new position that will oversee the state’s expansion of off-highway vehicle grants.
Posted: 07/08/20 by Laura Feist
The “Bearded Jeeper” Shares Video of Clean Up Event – Removed Several Abandoned Vehicles! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Recently the “Bearded Jeeper” shared a video highlightingabandoned vehicle removal that he and other volunteers performed in NewHampshire. His messaging in the videowas clear – if we take care of the trails we love, we will have them torecreate on for years into the future. If we do not, we will face closures.
Posted: 07/07/20 by Laura Feist
Happy Independence Day – Recreate Safely! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
As we approach the Holiday weekend, NOHVCC reminds everyone to recreate safely and responsibly. Millions of Americans will seek to get outdoors this weekend and many of you will join them by participating in OHV recreation. Now perhaps more than ever, connecting with the outdoors and our families is vitally important. But we now need to be concerned with traditional OHV safe and responsible use as well as take precautions related to COVID-19.
Posted: 07/01/20 by Laura Feist
Due to Pandemic and Postponement of Annual Conference NOHVCC Will Not Hold Board Elections in 2020 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
As we previously alerted, the 2020 NOHVCC Annual Conference has been postponed and will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee in 2021. NOHVCC has always relied on its Annual Conference to facilitate the election of its Board of Directors. The Annual Conference provides a forum for NOHVCC State Partners to connect with one another, make nominations, discuss issues with the nominees, and vote in person (with Partners from the same state convening to cast a single vote for their state). With this year being the first (and hopefully last) to lack an Annual Conference the NOHVCC Board of Directors voted to postpone Board elections until NOHVCC Directors, Partners and staff can meet in person once again.
Posted: 06/16/20 by Laura Feist
National Trailer Safety Week – From Polaris – Choosing the Correct Loading Ramp for Your ATV or UTV – NOHVCC
Thanks to Polaris for sharing this article.
Posted: 06/11/20 by Laura Feist
National Trailer Safety Week – From Polaris – How to Properly Load and Haul Your UTV – NOHVCC
Thanks to Polaris for sharing this article.
Posted: 06/09/20 by Laura Feist
Its National Trailer Safety Week – NOHVCC Will Share Tips and Techniques All Week – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
June 7-13 is National Trailer Safety Week. OHV safety doesn’t begin or end at the trailhead. Safe loading, unloading, driving and towing practices are vitally important to protect enthusiasts and other road users. National Trailer Safety Week is a great opportunity to remind those who use a trailer to haul a powersports vehicle of their responsibility to properly maintain trailers and employ safe towing practices. NOHVCC will share tips, techniques and safety information throughout the week. We also encourage enthusiasts and agency partners to help the National Association of Trailer Manufacturers spread the word about safe towing practices by sharing information on social media pages, websites and other communications.
Posted: 06/08/20 by Laura Feist
Do You Use Chainsaws for Trail Maintenance? Here Is Some Critical Safety Information You Need to Know – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education
In preparation for our June 10, 2020 webinar Vehicle Spark Arresters Past, Present and Future NOHVCC staff had the opportunity to speak with webinar presenter, Chris Real. Chris, with DPS Technical, Inc., brought to our attention a very real safety issue that could impact OHV enthusiasts and managers who may be returning to the field to perform trail maintenance or other trail work. Essentially, as a result of decreased vehicle miles travelled during the shutdowns, there may be more “winter blend” gasoline in circulation, which could create safety concerns related to the operation of small engines including those found in chainsaws during hot Summer months.
Posted: 06/04/20 by Laura Feist
Next Week (June 7-13) Is National Trailer Safety Week – Please Join NOHVCC and the National Association of Trailer Manufacturers in Promoting Trailer Safety and Education – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
All next week (June7-13) NOHVCC will provide safety and educational information through emails and on our website about safe trailering practices in support of National Trailer Safety Week. This will be the third year that the National Association of Trailer Manufacturers (NATM) have undertaken this traffic safety effort which, “aims to close the gap of communication between trailer manufacturers, dealers and end-users of trailers to make towing safer and raise awareness of safe towing practices.”
Posted: 06/01/20 by Laura Feist
Help American Trails and Trails Move People Identify Shovel Ready Projects – Quick Response Requested – NOHVCC
Please help American Trails and Trails Move People (TMP)identify “shovel-ready” trail projects across the country. See information provided by American Trailsbelow:
Posted: 05/26/20 by Laura Feist
Electronic OHV Mapping Applications and Websites of Which NOHVCC Is Aware – Help Us Shape Our List! – NOHVCC
As NOHVCC interacts with OHV enthusiasts and managers across the country the most common request we hear is for access to high-quality maps. Many trail managers, companies, and clubs have recognized this need and have created resources to attempt to meet demand. A common approach to providing maps and similar information is to create an application (app) or website through which enthusiasts can download, upload, or access electronic maps.
Posted: 05/19/20 by Laura Feist
A Diversion – Send NOHVCC Some of Your Favorite/Funniest OHV Stories – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC is taking our new reality seriously. We will continue to try our best to keep you updated on the ever-evolving situation with COVID-19 and how OHV recreation is being impacted. However, since most of us are at home, why not take a few minutes to create a diversion and think about some of the things that bring us joy and laughter?
Posted: 05/06/20 by Laura Feist
Motorcycle Industry Council Maintains Website With COVID-19 Updates (How the Industry Is Impacted, Resources Available, and Status of OHV Areas) – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Recently NOHVCC reached out to all of you and requested information about the open or closed status of OHV riding areas. As usual, the NOHVCC family responded. The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) has compiled the information you provided (and combined it with information MIC collected) to create an OHV component on their interactive COVID-19 State Resources Map. The MIC page also includes information about latest news, the stimulus package and other legislation, programs and loans that may be beneficial to the powersports.
Posted: 04/22/20 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Annual Conference Postponed Until 2021 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
After much consideration the NOHVCC Board of Directors and staff have made the difficult decision to postpone our Annual Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee originally scheduled for August 2020 to a date yet to be determined in 2021. While we hope that things return to normal as quickly as possible, there is simply too much uncertainty to move forward with this year’s Conference. NOHVCC staff strives to provide the utmost quality at our Conferences and we believe that it will be difficult to provide our best given the current situation. Further, we are not only unsure if the Conference can go on as scheduled, we also do not want to subject anyone in the OHV community to potentially dangerous travel or to run afoul of any social distancing requirements that may still be in place. Stay tuned for more information about the rescheduled event.
Posted: 04/15/20 by Laura Feist
OHV Employment Opportunity in Hood River County Oregon – NOHVCC
Assistance, Engagement
From the Hood County Forestry Department:
Posted: 04/08/20 by Laura Feist
Help Us Understand Which OHV Areas Have Been Closed as a Result of COVID-19 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
NOHVCC is working in partnership with the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) to collect as much information as possible related to closures of OHV areas as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you know of areas that have been closed please let us know at [email protected].
Posted: 04/06/20 by Laura Feist
BLM Recently Released Engaging With Communities in Public Land Stewardship: A Toolkit for Building and Sustaining Effective BLM Partnerships With Friends Groups – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
During the Covid-19 pandemic, NOHVCC will continue to monitor how OHV recreation is impacted by stay-at-home orders and other suggestions from governmental entities, but we will also strive to keep you informed about other ongoing initiatives, projects, tools or news related to our sport.
Posted: 04/03/20 by Laura Feist
How One Private OHV Area Has Responded to COVID-19 – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Please see below to read a letter from Bill Lyon, President, Windrock Park, Knoxville, TN. The letter outlines how Windrock is responding to threats from COVID-19. Individuals, businesses and land managers are being forced to make tough decisions, while still attempting to provide opportunities for recreation. NOHVCC wanted to share this letter as one example of how a private riding area is dealing with our current reality.
Posted: 03/25/20 by Laura Feist
For Those Who Choose to Ride During “Social Distancing” – Some Guidelines – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
NOHVCC recently drew your attention to U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service guidance, indicating that opportunities to continue dispersed recreation may remain during the current reality we are all facing as a result of COVID-19. It is possible to abide by social distancing and other recommended guidelines while getting outdoors and engaging in all sorts of recreation – including OHV recreation. But, ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide if getting outdoors is the right thing to do.
Posted: 03/24/20 by Laura Feist
Weigh in to Urge Congress and Governors to Keep Powersports Facilities Open! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC partner, Americans for Responsible Recreational Access (ARRA) has issued an alert encouraging OHV enthusiasts to urge Congress and Governors to keep powersports facilities open during the COVID-19 situation. Please see below and weigh in!
Posted: 03/20/20 by Laura Feist
US Forest Service Issues Guidance for Operation of Recreation Sites During COVID-19 Situation – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
As the response to the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, NOHVCC will strive to keep our readers up to date on the impact it is having on OHV recreation. While every individual must make decisions based on their own health, willingness to take on risk, and recommendations and mandates from local, state and federal governments, at the moment, being outdoors and isolated (dispersed recreation) meets current “social distancing” recommendations. Currently, federal land managers seem to agree with this assessment. The National Park Service is modifying services to meet current realities (details here), and recommends users to contact individual parks for specific details on park operations. Please take this situation seriously and do all that you can to protect yourself, your loved ones, and our communities.
Posted: 03/19/20 by Laura Feist
US Forest Service Issues 10-Year Trail Shared Stewardship Challenge – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The US Forest Service recently issued the 10-Year Trail Shared Stewardship Challenge which is billed as “…a call to action to increase our collective capacity to care for trails and increase on-the-ground results.” To read a brochure about the Trail Challenge click here.
Posted: 03/12/20 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Comments on Proposed NEPA Rulemaking – Still Time for You to Comment as Well! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
NOHVCC Comments on Proposed NEPA Rulemaking – Still Time For You To Comment As Well!
Posted: 03/06/20 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Announces Scholarship Opportunity for Future OHV Recreation Managers – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation not only requires access to OHV trails, areas and systems, but also people to manage and provide for the use. As a result, NOHVCC wants to make a small investment in the future by offering a $1,000 scholarship to an individual pursuing a career in the outdoors. The ideal candidate will follow a course of study that is intended to lead to a career in recreation or land management or other related fields and will have a passion for OHV recreation.
Posted: 03/05/20 by Laura Feist
QuadNB (Formerly the New Brunswick All-Terrain Vehicle Federation) Announces New Name, Logo and Efforts to Attract New OHV Enthusiasts – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Below is a recent press release shared by OuadNB (formerly the New Brunswick All-Terrain Vehicle Federation) in Canada. The release notes the name and logo change and highlights efforts to attract riders and increase membership. NOHVCC congratulates QuadNB and encourages OHV leaders to evaluate whether their clubs or associations could benefit from taking similar actions.
Posted: 02/27/20 by Laura Feist
National Youth Project Using Minibikes (NYPUM) Celebrates 50th Anniversary (Includes Video) – NOHVCC
NYPUM: “Where the youth of America can realize theirfull potential through mentorship, team building and self-development. Allwhile learning the skills to enjoy safe and exciting off-road riding.”
Posted: 02/25/20 by Laura Feist
Adventure Trail Part of Summer Reading Program – And, Meet Arizona Partner JC Sanders! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Once again NOHVCC is running a series of articles designed to feature NOHVCC State Partners and some of the successes they highlighted in their Partner Annual Reports. As a result of the Partner Annual Reports the NOHVCC Board of Directors and staff are better able to understand the great things our Partners are up to – and we wanted to share some examples with the broader NOHVCC community while introducing some of our Partners as well.
Posted: 02/20/20 by Laura Feist
Video – Cosponsors of Recreational Trails Program Legislation Discuss Their Bill – Please Share – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
U.S. Representatives John Curtis (R-UT) and Peter Welch (D-VT) shared a video of them discussing their new bill (H.R. 5797) to increase funding for the Recreational Trails Program (RTP).
Posted: 02/18/20 by Laura Feist
Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Funding for the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Introduced in the House of Representatives – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Last week a group of Representatives including Peter Welch (D-VT), John Curtis (R-UT), Angie Craig (D-MN), Annie Kuster (D-NH), Mike Simpson (R-ID) and Chris Stewart (R-UT) introduced H.R. 5797, The Recreational Trails Full Funding Act of 2020. The bill requires a Nonhighway Recreational Fuel Study, better reporting of RTP projects and increased funding.
Posted: 02/11/20 by Laura Feist
State OHV Action Plan Process in Colorado Currently Underway – Recap of Colorado Springs Listening Session – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC continues to work in partnership with the US Forest Service (USFS), the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife (CPW), and the Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) to improve and enhance the motorized recreation opportunities on public lands in the State of Colorado. In order to accomplish this, NOHVCC will conduct a series of listening sessions and invite Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) enthusiasts who recreate on public land in Colorado.
Posted: 01/30/20 by Laura Feist
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Designed to Shorten Environmental Reviews (NEPA) Issued – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education
Earlier this month the Council on Environmental Quality issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking –Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This proposed rulemaking is intended to “…revise and modernize… NEPA regulations to facilitate more efficient, effective, and timely NEPA reviews by Federal agencies.”
Posted: 01/21/20 by Laura Feist
BLM Seeks Nominations for Positions on 27 Statewide and Regional Resource Advisory Councils – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently announced in the Federal Register that it seeks nominations to fill 27 of the BLM’s statewide and regional Resource Advisory Councils (RAC) located in the West that have vacant positions and/or members whose terms are scheduled to expire. These RACs are designed to provide advice and recommendations to the BLM on land use planning and management of the National System of Public Lands within their geographic areas.
Posted: 01/16/20 by Laura Feist
Arizona State Parks and Trails Hosts Awesome Veterans Ride Inspired by NOHVCC Webinar! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
On October 1, 2019 NOHVCC hosted a webinar titled “Learn How To Host Rides for Veterans.” NOHVCC Chairman and External Relations Director for the Iowa OHV Association Dan Kleen, who has organized several veterans’ rides in Iowa, served as the webinar’s presenter. He highlighted the rides for veterans in Iowa and hoped to provide participants with all the information and tools necessary for clubs across the Country to replicate Iowa’s success. Arizona State Parks and Trails proved the webinar was a success!
Posted: 01/14/20 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC 2019 Year in Review – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
2019 has been another great year for NOHVCC! Thanks to our partners we had an outstanding conference in Reno, our communications have continued to ramp up, and of course NOHVCC staff and Partners have been busy on many projects. Take a look below to get a better picture of some of the things NOHVCC was up to in 2019.
Posted: 12/19/19 by Laura Feist
State OHV Action Plan Process to Move Forward in Colorado – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
NOHVCC is working in partnership with the US Forest Service (USFS), the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife (CPW), and the Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) to improve and enhance the motorized recreation opportunities on public lands in the State of Colorado. In order to accomplish this, NOHVCC will conduct a series of listening sessions and invite Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) enthusiasts who recreate on public land in Colorado. During each session, the participants will be asked:
Posted: 12/10/19 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Webinar Series to Continue in 2020 – Recorded Versions of All 2019 Webinars Now Available – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC began a series of free webinars in 2019 – thanks to all who participated! The webinars are designed to deliver quality and helpful information on OHV safety, education, management and other issues related to motorized recreation.
Posted: 12/03/19 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Clubs and Associations Issue Area Representative Board Position Open – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
As a result of the NOHVCC Board elections at the Annual Conference in Reno, the Clubs and Associations Issue Area Representative position is open. The position will be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors per NOHVCC’s bylaws.
Posted: 11/21/19 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC to Select 2021 Conference Location – Should It Be in Your Area? – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
The 2019 NOHVCC Annual Conference is in the books. The 2020 Conference will be in Knoxville, Tennessee August 18-22. Now it is time to turn our attention to selecting a site for the 2021 Conference.
Posted: 11/15/19 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Presents Annual Awards to 7 Outstanding Individuals and Organizations – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education
The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) recognized 7 individuals and organizations at its Celebration & Awards Dinner held October 19, 2019 during its Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada. The awards are presented in recognition of outstanding achievements that have advanced the NOHVCC mission: “Creating a Positive Future for OHV Recreation.” NOHVCC also inducted two new members into its Hall of Fame who will be recognized in a separate article soon.
Posted: 11/12/19 by Laura Feist
Nohvcc President Visits Paiute! – Nohvcc
Assistance, Education
**Long-time friend of NOHVCC Max Reid prepared the following article. For those who don’t know Max, he retired from the Forest Service ten years ago, but his passion for OHV recreation and the Paiute Trail in Utah remain strong.
Posted: 11/06/19 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC 2019 Annual Conference Presentations Available Online – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Once again, NOHVCC had a great slate of presenters at our Conference! While it is always best to come see them in person, if you had to skip the Conference here is your chance to see what you missed. Of course, if you were there, here are most of the presentations to augment your notes. There is a wealth of information below – take a look!
Posted: 10/31/19 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC and the Canadian Off-Highway Vehicle Distributors Council Officially Continue Partnership for Five More Years – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
At NOHVCC’s Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada NOHVCC Executive Director Duane Taylor and Canadian Off-Highway Vehicle Distributors Council (COHV) Manager, Rider Federations, Oksana Buhel signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to formally continue a partnership for the next five years. The MOU states in part that the two organizations will “…work cooperatively to share and distribute existing information, materials, products, and programs the parties have developed to OHV enthusiasts, clubs, associations, individuals, agencies and other interested parties in the United States and Canada.” And, “…develop new information, materials, products, and programs in a manner that optimizes adaptability and usefulness in both the United States and Canada.”
Posted: 10/25/19 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Raffle and Auction Raise Impressive Sum – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Thanks to dedicated individuals and clubs, NOHVCC hosted its annual raffle and auction in Reno as part of its Annual Conference. NOHVCC asked for donations and the OHV community responded – BIG TIME! Between the items donated for the raffle and the auction items, NOHVCC was able to raise several thousand dollars to help offset the cost of the Conference. So, a big THANK YOU to all who contributed by providing prizes or buying tickets. It really helps!
Posted: 10/24/19 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC 2019 Mobile Workshop Was a Success – View Pictures – NOHVCC
Over 100 OHV enthusiasts participated in NOHVCC’s annual Mobile Workshop in advance of the 2019 NOHVCC Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada. The day started early in Reno with participants finalizing registration and boarding a bus from the host hotel to the Prison Hill Recreation Area. Once there, the enthusiasts were separated into several groups to go for a ride which included stops for information about the local riding area, a chance to watch a demonstration by local rock crawlers and trial bike riders and small group discussions with vendors, representatives from California State Parks, sound professionals and others.
Posted: 10/23/19 by Laura Feist
Penny and Rascal Are Back! Interactive Adventure Trail Website Now Available! – NOHVCC
Posted: 10/19/19 by Laura Feist
All Important Conference Information in One Place! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
NOHVCC and INOHVAA Conference Agendas Now Available!
Posted: 10/11/19 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC and INOHVAA Conference Agendas Now Available! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The agendas for the NOHVCC and INOHVAA Conferences in Reno, Nevada next week are now available. For those attending this year – take a look to get a sense of the unique opportunities and presentations in which you will be able to participate. NOHVCC staff has worked hard to put together an exciting mobile workshop (more information here and here ) and to bring in a carefully selected group of presenters – some of whom many of us know well, and some of whom will be new to even those who have attended many previous Conferences.
Posted: 10/09/19 by Laura Feist
Destry Abbott Documentary to Premiere in Reno! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Though not officially affiliated with NOHVCC’s Annual Conference, a documentary about famed motorcycle racer Destry Abbott will premiere on Wednesday, October 16 at the Whitney Peak Hotel (NOHVCC Annual Conference site). Click here for more information.
Posted: 10/08/19 by Laura Feist
Important Information for Mobile Workshop Participants! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
The NOHVCC Mobile Workshop is Thursday, October 17. You must register in advance to participate.
Posted: 09/24/19 by Laura Feist
NOHVCC Board Elections to Be Held at Annual Conference in Reno – Check Below to See if You Are Eligible to Serve – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Each year NOHVCC State Partners elect NOHVCC’s Board of Directors at the Annual Conference (register here). As a result, all interested NOHVCC State Partners are eligible to run for open positions on the Board. Again, ONLY NOHVCC State Partners in good standing are eligible to run.
Posted: 09/18/19 by Laura Feist
Welcome Back Penny and Rascal! Interactive Adventure Trail Website to Debut at NOHVCC Annual Conference – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Penny and Rascal are names that will be familiar to long-time members of the NOHVCC family – and soon they will be back! They are, of course, the stars of NOHVCC’s Adventure Trail. They have been featured on the NOHVCC website, in coloring and activity books, and on full-size posters. Soon they will appear in an interactive Adventure Trail website. Those who attend the NOHVCC Conference in Reno are in for a treat. Robert Van Nood, the artist behind Penny, Rascal and Adventure Trail, will formally debut the new site and will walk Conference participants through all the new and expanded features.
Posted: 09/12/19 by Laura Feist
New Decal Required for Nonresidents to Ride in Arizona – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Late last week the Arizona Game and Fish Department issued the below press release announcing that OHV enthusiasts who live in other States must purchase a nonresident decal before operating an OHV in Arizona.
Posted: 09/03/19 by Laura Feist
Learn More About Prison Hill Recreation Area Near Carson City, NV – Site of 2019 NOHVCC Mobile Workshop – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement
Registration is open for NOHVCC’s 2019 Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada. If you haven’t already signed up, click here.
Posted: 08/27/19 by Laura Feist
Safe OHV Operation in the Desert – Know Before You Go! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education
OHV recreation occurs all over the country on all sorts of terrains. Many lucky OHV recreationists will have the opportunity to experience riding on trails in heavily wooded areas, areas with serious exposure in mountainous areas or in open plains. Others yet will have the opportunity to ride on dunes or through the desert. Each type of area has its unique safety concerns – this article focuses on desert safety.
Posted: 08/20/19 by Laura Feist
Registration for 2019 INOHVAA and NOHVCC Annual Conferences Now Available! – NOHVCC
Assistance, Education, Engagement, NOHVCC Initiatives
Registration for the 2019 INOHVAA and NOHVCC Annual Conferences in Reno, Nevada is now open!
Posted: 08/15/19 by Laura Feist
My First Ride Website Is a Great Introduction for New OHV Enthusiasts! – NOHVCC
Most of us in the NOHVCC family are very familiar with not only our favorite type of OHV, but also the various other vehicles on the market and out on the trails. We have spent years or even decades riding motorcycles and ATVs and driving ROVs (also known as side-by-sides) and 4-Wheel Drive vehicles. It can be easy to forget a time when it was intimidating to see someone loading an ATV into a pick-up truck or filling up a dual-sport motorcycle at the pump and trying to get the nerve up to ask how someone might get involved in the sport.
Posted: 08/06/19 by Laura Feist
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