Recently NOHVCC reached out to all of you and requested information about the open or closed status of OHV riding areas. As usual, the NOHVCC family responded. The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) has compiled the information you provided (and combined it with information MIC collected) to create an OHV component on their interactive COVID-19 State Resources Map. The MIC page also includes information about latest news, the stimulus package and other legislation, programs and loans that may be beneficial to the powersports.
Visit the MIC page here:
We encourage each of you to visit the page for information. We also urge the NOHVCC family to continue to provide as much information as possible related to closures (or re-openings) of OHV areas as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you know of areas that have been closed or reopened, please let us know at [email protected].
Specific information to include in your email:
NOHVCC and our partners continue to wish you well during these trying times. We recognize that many of you may have bigger issues to deal with than OHV recreation at the moment, but others may be at home and looking for ways to weigh in. Please stay safe.
Thank you