The information below was provided by Fox Factory.  Please use the included links to apply or learn more about the program. Trail Trust represents Fox Factory’s commitment to the future. Fox Factory created Trail Trust to provide grants to organizations helping to preserve the places we love to play. The goal is to bring together diverse communities to build, maintain, and expand access to trails. In short, we want to make

NOHVCC Insurance Survey NOHVCC is collecting information about the types of insurance that OHV Clubs and Associations retain.  All personal and club-related information will be strictly confidential.  NOHVCC is collecting this information as we are aware that insurance requirements are complicated and there are various options, coverages and providers that can easily confuse or frustrate those responsible for acquiring club and association insurance. NOHVCC intends to use the collected information

Press release from the Coalition for Recreational Trails:   Washington, D.C. (November 10, 2021) – Twelve trail projects and a state trail program have been chosen by the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) as recipients of its 2021 Tom Petri Recreational Trails Program Annual Achievement Awards.  The awards – honoring former U.S. Representative Tom Petri (WI) – recognize outstanding use of Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funds.  These projects were honored November 10

The Board of Directors of the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) have selected award winners for the 2021 Annual Tom Petri CRT Awards that honor outstanding projects that utilized Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funding.  Despite the ongoing pandemic, there were a record number of projects nominated, and the quality of projects represented was outstanding.  The Awards Committee had a tough time making final decisions and the entire Board of Directors

Note from the USFS: Greetings, Forest Service Partners! The Washington Office Trails Team is working with a graduate student at the University of Colorado Denver to conduct a survey to provide insights into the experiences and perceptions of trail volunteers and partners working with the Forest Service. Survey results will help inform implementation of the Forest Service’s 10-Year Trail Shared Stewardship Challenge (Trail Challenge) which is focused on working in

The Board of Directors of the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) have selected award winners for the 2021 Annual Tom Petri CRT Awards that honor outstanding projects that utilized Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funding.  Despite the ongoing pandemic, there were a record number of projects nominated, and the quality of projects represented was outstanding.  The Awards Committee had a tough time making final decisions and the entire Board of Directors

Click here to sign up for the NOHVCC Annual Conference sessions on October 15-16. Registration is now open for NOHVCC’s free Virtual Annual Conference.  The NOHVCC staff and Board of Directors are excited to invite you to participate in the Conference.  The sessions and times are detailed below.  We encourage all State Partners and friends of NOHVCC to log-in and weigh in!  As we previously reported, the NOHVCC Board of

Click here to sign up for the NOHVCC Annual Conference sessions on October 15-16. Registration is now open for NOHVCC’s free Virtual Annual Conference.  The NOHVCC staff and Board of Directors are excited to invite you to participate in the Conference.  The sessions and times are detailed below.  We encourage all State Partners and friends of NOHVCC to log-in and weigh in!  As we previously reported, the NOHVCC Board of

NOHVCC Partners Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) and Americans for Responsible Recreational Access are collecting information on projects eligible for Land and Water Conservation Funds.  Please click the link below to take the survey. From ORR: In partnership with Oregon State University, the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable is conducting its annual survey to create a list of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)-eligible recreation projects for upcoming years from businesses and

Each year NOHVCC State Partners elect NOHVCC’s Board of Directors at the Annual Conference – except for last year due to COVID-19 scuttling the in-person meeting.  Instead, the NOHVCC Board of Directors opted to postpone voting.  While we cannot meet in person again this year (read Update On 2021 NOHVCC Annual Conference), the Directors have decided it necessary to move forward with virtual elections this year. NOHVCC has developed a