First, thanks to all the NOHVCC State Partners who took the time to submit an annual report!  Many of you went above and beyond by providing in-depth responses, so a special thanks to you.  We are very impressed with all that our outstanding Partners have been up to and were delighted by some of the success stories.  NOHVCC staff and Board of Directors will be able to use all the collected information to help us guide NOHVCC’s activities and Conference presentations.

Now some data:

  • 87% of Partners who responded indicated that they were a member of a club or a state association.
  • 60% of Partners who responded indicated that they were a member of a state association
  • 27% of Partners who responded indicated they served on a federal or state advisory committee.
  • Based on a review of reported success stories, there is a definite correlation between success within a state and a Partner who is an active participant on an advisory committee.

The good news: many Partners reported myriad different types of success stories.  Some of the successes included Veterans rides, economic impact studies, mapping, club growth, unique partnerships, new State association, Great Trails Workshops, new campgrounds, fundraisers and more.

Issues faced include (among others): difficulty with RTP grant process, misdirection of OHV funds, limited opportunities, maintenance backlog, agency processes, reaching younger riders, lack of club members and safety issues.

Moving forward, we now have successes to replicate and better understand which issues are being faced by the OHV community. 

The first ever round of Partner Annual Reports was a huge success, and we look forward to highlighting some of the best practices that can be gleaned from the accomplishments reported.  Please keep an eye on NOHVCC’s website (and on your email) to read more about many of the great things NOHVCC Partners have been up to – and to learn more about the Partners who were crucial to getting results!

Read our first in a series of notable success stories taken from the reports about Travel Iowa highlighting an OHV park and meet Iowa Partner Tasha Nielsen by clicking here:

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